Here are a few things you might not know about using this forum, particularly if you’re new (in which case, welcome, please dive in):
1. First a simple one: you can see how your post will look as you type by clicking the preview icon on the toolbar, which is the one shown below. The preview updates every couple of seconds.
2. You can receive an email whenever someone posts to a thread you’re watching. First make sure that you’ve got “Receive Watch Notifications” turned on in your preferences then click “Watch” on the top right of any thread.
3. You can mention another user by name with an @ symbol (if I were vain, I could mention @david). This will make the name clickable when the post is viewed and take you to their profile. More interestingly though, if they have “Receive Watch Notifications” turned on as above, they’ll get an email telling them they’ve been mentioned.
4. If you want posts made by the person who started the thread to be subtly highlighted throughout the thread, choose “Highlight Posts by Thread Creator” in your preferences
5. When you upload images they are automatically inserted in to your post, one per line. However, if you want to upload them in a batch and then choose when to insert each one (handy if you’re doing a trip report with lots of images), you can turn off “Insert Uploads” in your preferences
6. If you’re signed in and browsing the forums, whenever there is a list of threads (e.g. “Recent”, “Watched”, etc.) if there has been a post since you last viewed that thread it will have New next to the thread title. Clicking that will take you to the first post after the last one you read.
If you’re signed in and browsing the forums, whenever there is a list of threads (e.g. “Recent”, “Watched”, etc.) if there has been a post since you last viewed that thread it will have New next to the thread title. Clicking that will take you to the first post after the last one you read.
Doesn’t seem to work for me. The “New” status persists even after viewing the thread. I use Firefox with Noscript.
Oops, now it works. Maybe the problem was on my side.
I use Firefox with Noscript.
Without digging in to it too deeply, this shouldn’t impact the “New” status. However, the site is really not designed to be used with an active script blocker and you’ll miss out on various features. I would never choose to use a script blocker, not with a good modern browser like Firefox.
I used No-script for ages and have chucked it away now. It causes far more trouble than it’s worth. Too many websites simply break.
For advert blocking, on sites like facebook which is continually being changed to block advert blockers, there are specialised tools.
I would recommend everyone to have a quick read through Posting Tips here. I need to update it for the new stuff like file drag/drop but the rest is correct.
For a couple of days now, the thread titled “A small EuroGA competition” comes up first, here, in the list of “Active” threads. Higlighted in red, too. Was it given some kind of “sticky” status? If so, that could be made more obvious – and I don’t think it very appropriate, either.
(oops, not the very best place to post this – David, feel free to move – or even to remove ! )
Jan, since this (Wednesday) morning it’s shown up in red, first on the list of active. It’s been promoted previously in a box above the thread listing. It’s red to indicate that it’s different from the other stuff. It is similar to a sticky but better in that you can hide it by clicking on it and clicking the hide link on the upper right side. It will come back if anybody posts to the thread. You can actually hide any thread, and normal ones won’t come back even when posted on.
Out of interest what is it about it that you find inappropriate?
Since installing iOS8 on the ipad mini, EuroGA shares the quick link logo on safari with the grauniad…yes, I am a grauniad reader! Pre iOS8 EuroGA had its own khaki green logo.
That’s weird Robert – not for me. Can you send me a screenshot please?
Out of interest what is it about it that you find inappropriate?
Nothing important, David, yet I consider it “housekeeping” information only, which is imho rather low on importance, instead of being pulled to the forefront. But it was, as you said, easy to move out of sight, do not worry.
More important: there seems to be something wrong about inserting www links. I had trouble in the “Filing FPL” thread, and blamed it on my own stupid self. But then I saw the same issue in a reply from a most able poster, so the trouble must be for real…
NB the “new” facility is now working to great satisfaction, I am using it all the while. Nice to have, on top of it, would be a similar “Last” button, present all the while. May have been discussed before, though, if so please disregard.