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The ones used in french AIP: (From this AIRAC cycle: (AIRAC is also below)

A Amber
A/A Air to air communications
AAL Above aerodrome level
ABM Abeam
ABN Aerodrome beacon
ABV Above or upper
ACARS Aircraft communication addressing and reporting system
ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system
ACB Flying club
ACC Area control center or area control
ACFT Aircraft
ACL Altimeter check location
ACN Aircraft classification number
ACP Acceptance message
ACPT Accept or accepted
ACT Active or activated or activity
AD Aerodrome
ADAC Short take off and landing aircraft
ADAV Vertical take off and landing aircraft
ADC Aerodrome chart
ADDN Addition or additional
ADF Automatic direction finder
ADJ Adjacent
ADP Aéroports de Paris
ADS Address
Aé Marine light beacon with beam angle 10° above the horizon for use by airmen
AEM Model aircraft flight
AESA European aviation safety agency
AFI Africa, indian Ocean region
AFIL Flight plan filled in the air
AFIS Aerodrome flight information service
AFS Aeronautical fixed service
AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
A/G Air to ground radio communications
AGL Above ground level
AIA Aeronautics industrial workshop
AIC Aeronautical information circular
AIP Aeronautical information publication
AIRAC Aeronautical information regulation and control
AIREP Air report
AIS Aeronautical information service(s)
ALAT Field army light aviation
ALERFA Alert Phase
ALT Altitude
ALTN Alternate or alternating (light alternates in colour)
ALTN Alternate (aerodrome)
AMC Acceptable means of compliance
AMD Amend or amended
AMSL Above mean sea level
AMSR Radar minimum safe altitude
ANP Actual navigation performance
AOB Angle of bank
AOC Aerodrome obstruction chart
AP Airport
APCH Approach
APDC Aircraft parking and docking chart
API Missed approach
APP Approach control office or approach control
APP Visual approach chart
APR April
APPR Precision approach
APRX Approximately
APV Approach with vertical guidance
ARP Aerodrome reference point
ARR Arrive or arrival or arrival message
ASC Ascent or ascending to
ASDA Accelerate stop distance available
ASECNA Agency for the security of air navigation in Africa and Madagascar
ASFC Above surface
ASI Signal area
ASPH Asphalt
ATC Air traffic control (in general)
ATI International standard atmosphere
ATIS Automatic terminal information
ATIS/V VFR ATIS (reduced range)
ATS Air traffic services
ATT Visual landing chart
ATT Along-track tolerance
ATTN Attention
AUG August
AUX Auxiliary
AVA Civil aviation authority
AVASIS Abbreviated visual approach slope indicator system
AVGAS Aviation gasoline
AVOR Low power VHF omnirange
AVT Refuelling
AWY Airway
AZM Azimuth

B Blue
BA Braking action
BATR Belly landing strip
BCST Broadcast
BDP ATS reporting office
BI Low light intensity
BIA AIS office
BLW Below or lower
BMJ Updating bulletin
BNIA AIS National office
BRA Arresting cable
BRIA Information and flight support Regional office
BRKG Braking
BRNAV Basic area navigation
BS Commercial broadcasting station
BTIV Flight information emission office
BTN Between
BV Buffer value

C Degrees Celsius
CAG General air traffic
CAM Military air traffic
CAP Public air traffic
CAR Caribbean region
CAT Category
CAUTRA Automatic air traffic coordinator
CAVOK Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions
CBA Cross Border Area
CCER Test and acceptance control center
CCI Chamber of commerce and industry
CCM Military control centre
cd Candela
CDA Continuous descent approach
CDN Certificate of airworthiness
CDT Officer in charge
CEA Nuclear power administration
CER Acceptance and test traffic
CEV Flight test centre
CF Course to fix
Ch Channel (telecommunications)
CHG Change
CIV Civil
CLBR Calibration
CLSD Closed
cm Centimetre
CMPL Completion or completed or complete
CNL Cancel or cancelled
COM Operational military traffic
COM Telecommunications
CONC Concrete
COND Condition(s)
CONST Construction or constructed
CRNA Air navigation regional centre
CTA Control area
CTL Control
CTR Control zone
CUST Customs
CWY Clearway

D… Danger area (followed by identification)
DA Decision altitude
DCAé Technical directory of aircraft production
DCC Civil unit of coordination
DCL Data-link departure clearance
DCP Datum crossing point
DCT Direct
DEA Delegation for air space
DEC December
DEC Magnetic variation
DEG Degrees
DENEB Fog dispersal operation
DEP Depart or departure or departure message
DER Departure end of the runway
DES Descend to or descending to
DEST Destination
DETRESFA Distress phase
DF Direct to fix
DGAC General directorate of civil aviation
DH Decision height
DIRCAM Military air traffic directorate
DIST Distance
DME Distance measuring equipment
DME/ATT Landing distance measuring equipment
DMN National meteorology directorate
DNG Danger or dangerous
DO Operation managing
DOC Document
DOM/TOM (French) overseas department/territory
DP Dew point
DP Descent point
DPAC Cooperation and aeronautical programmes directorate
DRE Economic control directorate
DSAC Directorate of civil aviation safety
DSNA Air navigation services directorate
DTHR Displaced threshold
DTI Technique and innovation directorate
DTK Desired track (GNSS)
DUR Duration
DVOR Doppler VOR
DW Dual wheels

E East or eastern longitude
E Flash
EASA European aviation safety agency
EAT Expected approach time
EDF National electricity authority
EHF Extremely high frequency (30 000 to 300 000 MHz)
ELR Extra long range
EM Emission
E-M Headquarters
EN English
ENE East – north – east
ENR En route
EQPT Equipment
ES Spanish
ESE East – south – east
EST Estimate or estimated
ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival
ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating departure
EUM Europe-Mediterranean region
EXC Except
EXER Exercise(s) or exercising or to exercise

F Fixed light
FAC Facilities
FAF Final approach fix
FAF French air force
FAL Facilitation of international air transport
FAP Final approach point
FAS Final approach segment
FATO Final approach and take off area
FEB February
FIC Flight information centre
FIR Flight information region
FIS Flight information service or sector
FL Flight level
FLT Flight
FM From
FMC Flight management computer
FMS Flight management system
FNA Final approach
FNF French naval air-forces
FPAP Flight path alignment point
FPL Filed flight plan message, type of flight plan
FPM Feet per minute
FR French language
FREQ Frequency
FRI Friday
FRNG Firing
ft Feet
FTE Flight technical error
FTP Fictitious threshold point

G Green
g Gram
G/A Ground-to-air
G/A/G Ground-to-air and air-to-ground
GAT General air traffic
GBAS Ground based augmentation system
GCA Ground controlled approach system or ground controlled approach
GEN General
GEO Geographic or true
GMC Ground movement chart
GNSS Global navigation system by satellite
GP Glide path
GRP Group (aircraft)
GS Ground speed
GUND Geoid Undulation

H «… Give the minutes after the hour
H24 Continuous day and night service
HAP Expected approach time
HBN Hazard beacon
HCH Helicopter crossing height
HEL Helicopter
HF High frequency (3 000 to 30 000 kHz)
HGT Height
HI High Light intensity
HIV Winter
HJ Daytime
Hl Hectolitre
HL Height loss / altimeter margin
HLDG Holding
HN During night
HO Service available to meet operational requirements
HOL Holidays
HOR Fixed schedule or time
HPa Hectopascal
HR Hours
HRP Helicopter reference point
HS Service available during hours of scheduled operations.
HX No specific working hours
Hz Hertz

IAC Instrument approach chart
IAF Initial approach fix
IAS Indicated air-speed
IBN Identification beacon
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IDENT Identification
IF Intermediate approach fix
IF Initial fix
IFR Instrument flight rules
IGN National geographic institute
ILS Instrument landing system
IM Inner marker
IMC Instrument meteorological conditions
INA Initial approach
INCERFA Incertainty phase
INFO Information
INOP Inoperative
INS Inertial navigation system
INT Intersection
INTL International
IRS Inertial reference system
ISA International standard atmosphere
ITAC Technical instruction on civil aerodrome
ITU International Telecommunications Union

JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
JAN January
JF Holidays
JORF French republic official journal
JUL July
JUN June

kg Kilogram
KHz Kilohertz
km Kilometre
km/h Kilometre per hour
kt Knot
kW Kilowatt

L Left (runway identifacation)
L* Locator
l Litre
LAT Latitude
LDA Landing distance available
LDAH Landing distance available (helicopter)
LDG Landing
LDI Landing direction indicator
LF Low frequency (30 to 300 kHz)
LGT Light or lighting
LGTD Lighted
LIH Light intensity high
LIL Light intensity low
LLZ** Localizer
LMT Local Mean Time
LOC Localizer
LONG Longitude
LRG Long range
LTA Lower traffic area
LTP Landing threshold point
LTT Landline teletypewriter
LVTO Low visibility take-off

m Meter
Ma Mach number
MAG Magnetic
MAHF Missed approach holding fix
MAHP Missed approach holding point
MAINT Maintenance
MAP Aeronautical maps and charts
MAPT Missed appproach point
MAR March
MATF Missed approach turning fix
MAX Maximum or maximal
MDA Minimum descent altitude
MDH Minimum descent height
MEA Minimum enroute altitude
MEHT Minimum eye height over threshold
MET Meteorological or meteorology
METAR Aviation routine weather report
MF Medium fréquency (300 to 3 000 kHz)
MFO Obstacle clearance limit
MHz Megahertz
MIA Aeronautical Information Manual
MIL Military
MIN Minutes
MKR Marker radio beacon
MLS Microwave landing system
MM Middle marker
MNM Minimum
MNM AD Aerodrome operating minima
MNPS Minimum navigation performance specifications
MNTN Maintain
MOCA Minimum obstacle clearance altitude
MON Monday
MPBA Lowest permissible operationnal minima
MPS Metres per second
MRG Medium range
MRP AIS MET reporting point
MS Minus
MSA Minimum sector altitude
MSG Message
MSL Mean sea level
MTOW Maximum take-off weight
MVI*** Visual manoeuvring with prescribed track
MVL Visual manoeuvring whithout prescribed track
MWO Meteorological watch office

N North or northern latitude
NAT North atlantic region
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAV Navigation
NDB Non-directional radio beacon
NE North-east
NGF France geographical levelling
NGT Night
NIL None or I have nothing to send to you
NL Aerodrome agreed for night VFR with restrictions
NM Nautical miles
NML Normal
NNE North north east
NNW North north west
NOF International NOTAM office
NOSIG No significant change
NOTAM Notice to airmen
NOV November
NPA Non precision approach
NR Number
NS Non Standard
NS Non-scheduled traffic
NW North-west
NXT Next

OAC Oceanic area control centre
OACI International civil aviation organization
OAS Obstacle assessment surface
OAT Operationnal air traffic
OBS Observe or observed or observation
OBST Obstacle
OCA Oceanic control area
OCA Obstacle clearance altitude
OCC Occulting light
OCH Obstacle clearance height
OCS Obstacle clearance surface
OCT October
OFZ Obstacle free zone
OIS Obstacle identification surface
OLS Obstacle limitation surface
OM Outer marker
OMM World meteorological organization
OMS World health organization
OPS Operations
O/R On request
OR Orange
OSV Ocean station vessel
OTAN North atlantic treaty organization

P Private traffic
P… Prohibited area (followed by identification)
PA Precision approach
PAC Pacific region
PANS Procedures for air navigation services
PAPI Precision approach path indicator
PAR Precision approach radar
PARL Parallel
PAX Passengers
PB Lighthouses and beacons
PC Coordination post
PCL Pilot controlled lighting
PCN Pavement classification number
PDG Procedure design gradient
PDR Predetermined route
PERM Permanent
Ph Sea beacon
PIB Preflight information bulletin
PJE Parachute jumping exercise (or sector)
PLN Flight plan
PN Prior notice required
PNR Point of no return
PPR Prior permission required
PRKG Parking area
P.RNAV Precision area navigation
PROC Procedure
PROV Provisional
PS Plus
PSGR Passengers
PSN Position
PTN Procedure turn
PTT Postal and telegraph service
PUL Ultra light glider

QDM Magnetic heading
QDR Magnetic bearing
QFE Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation
QFU Magnetic orientation of runway
QNH Altimeter setting to obtain aerodrome elevation when on the ground

r Radius of turn
R Right (runway identification)
R Red
R Rate of turn
R… Restricted area (followed by identification)
RAG Runway arresting gear
RAI Automatic information transmitter
RAIM Receiver autonomous integrity
RAP Inbound track
RB Rescue boat
RBDA Emergency location beacon aircraft
RCA Air traffic regulations
RCC Rescue coordination centre
RDA Air rules
RDH Reference datum height (for ILS/PAR)
RDL Radial
REF Reference to or refer to
REG Registration
REP Reporting point
REQ Request or requested
RFL Requested FL
RFO Overseas Radio-France
RM Magnetic track
RMK Remarks
RNAV Area navigation
RNP Required navigation performance
RPL Repetitive flight plan
RSC Rescue sub-centre
RSFTA Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
RSR En-route surveillance radar
RTA Air transport regulation
RTBA Very low altitude restricted areas
RTF Radiotelephone
RTG Radiotelegraph
RTT Radioteletypewriter
RV Rescue vessel
RVR Runway visual range
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
RWY Runway

S South or southern latitude
S Supplementary
S Scheduled traffic
SAC Civil aviation service
SAM South America region
SAN Sanitary
SAR Search and rescue
SARP Standards and recommended practices (OACI)
SAT South atlantic region
SAT Saturday
SBA Air bases services
SBAS Satellite based augmentation system
Sc Flashing light
SCA Air traffic services
SDF Step down fix
SE South-east
SEC Seconds
SEFA Operation service of aeronautical training
SEP September
SER Service or servicing or served
SFA Aeronautical fixed service.
SFC Surface (ground or sea)
SGL Signal
SGEU United geodesical europeen system
SHF Super high frequency (3 000 to 30 000 MHz)
SIA Aeronautical information service
SID Standard instrument departure
SIMUL Simultaneous or simultaneously
SIV Flight information sector
SKED Fixed schedule or time
SMR Surface radar
SNA Air navigation service
SNOWTAM A special series NOTAM
SOC Start of climb
SPAR Slight precision approche radar
SPPA Wildlife control service
SR Sunrise
SRE Surveillance radar element of precision approach radar system
SRG Short range
SRR Search and rescue region
SS Sunset
SSB Single side band
SSE South south-east
SSLIA Rescue and aircraft fire fighting service on the aerodromes
SSR Secondary surveillance radar
SST Super-sonic transport
SSW South-south-west
STAC Technical service of civil aviation
STAP Parameter automatic transmission system
STAR Standard (instrument) arrival
STN Station
STNA Technical service for air navigation
STOL Short take off and landing aircraft
SUM Summer
SUN Sunday
SUP Above or upper
SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures
SWY Stopway

t Ton
T Temperature
TA Transition altitude
TAA Terminal arrival altitude
TACAN Tactical air navigation aid (UHF)
TAS True airspeed
TCH Threshold crossing height
Tcl Local civil time
TDZ Touch down zone
TEL Telephone
TEMPO Temporary or temporarily
TF Track to fix
TFC Traffic
TGL Temporary Guidance Leaflet
THR Threshold
THU Thursday
TIL Until
TJ Tons per twin wheels
TKOF Take-off
TRL Transition level
TLOF Touch down and lift off area
TMA Terminal control area
TNA Turn altitude
TNH Turn height
TODA Take-off distance available
TODAH Take off distance available (helicopter)
TORA Take-off run available
TP Turning point
TRA Temporary reserved area
TRSI Single isolated wheel load
TSA Temporary segregated area
TUE Tuesday
TURB Turbulence
TWR Aerodrome control tower or aerodrome control
TWY Taxiway
TXT Text
TYP Type of aircraft

UAC Upper area control centre
UDF UHF direction finding station
UHF Ultra high frequency (300 to 3 000 MHz)
UIC Upper flight information centre
UIR Upper flight information region
UIT International telecommunication union
ULM Ultra light motorized
ULR Ultra long range
UNL Unlimited
U/S Unserviceable
UTA Upper control area
UTC Coordinated universal time

VAC Visual approach and landing chart
VAR Magnetic variation
VASIS Visual approach slope indicator system
VAV Gliding
VDF VHF direction finding station
VER Vertical
VFR Visual flight rules
VH Horizontal visibility
VHF Very high frequency (30 to 300 MHz)
VIBAL Runway-marker visibility
VIC Common intervention vehicle (SSLIA)
VIM Massive intervention vehicle (SSLIA)
VPT Visual manoeuvring with prescribed track
VIS Visibility
VLF Very low frequency (3 to 30 kHz)
VMA Airport foam vehicule (SSLIA)
VMC Visual meteorological conditions
VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in flight
VOR VHF omnidirectionnel radio range
VORTAC VOR and TACAN combination
VPT Visual manoeuvring with prescribed track
VRB Variable
VREF Reference landing speed
VRSI Fast fire emergency boat
VS Ground speed
VS Visual segment
VSDA Visual segment descent angle
VSP Vertical speed
VSS Visual segment surface
VTOL Vertical take-off and landing aircraft
VV Vertical visibility
VV True air speed

W White
W West or western longitude
W Watt
WBAR Wing bar lights
WDI Wind direction indicator
WED Wednesday
WGS World geodetic system

WHO World health organization
WIP Works in progress
WIN Winter
WMO World meteorological organization
WNW West-north-west
WP Way-point
WRNG Warning
WSW West-south-west

XBAR Cross bar (of approach lighting system)
XTE Cross track error
XTT Cross track error tolerance

Y Yellow

ZIT Temporary prohibited area
ZP Pressure altitude
ZRT Temporary restricted area

Last Edited by Noe at 12 Dec 09:56

GIYF = google is your friend

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

GIYF = google is your friend

That’s an ironic one, since likely at least 80% of the people will have too google it, and then google whatever it was about!

The past person to use it here is a nice guy but it does tend to get used in a derogatory manner elsewhere…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I didn’t see anything written here, but agree that one (or the sister version I knew, LMGTFY) tend to normally not add much.
If you want to contribute usefully, better explain a bit or even writing “plenty of examples on google” is more helpful)

Peter wrote:


I am quite sure that I would remember what the letters stand for exactly at the time of impact :-) It amazes me every time to see that there are brains out there where these acronyms work better than a sensible flow and a sound understanding of the basics of what you are doing as pilot.

Last Edited by mh at 21 Feb 17:42
Aufwind GmbH
EKPB, Germany

From here

What’s “TCDS”? What’s “AFM”?

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

TCDS = Type Certificate Data Sheet, the primary source of info about a certified aircraft. For example here are a number of them for common light aircraft. TCDSs for certified aircraft are also readily available on the FAA website.

AFM = Approved Flight Manual

Last Edited by Silvaire at 26 Mar 13:33

OWT? (basic google search doesn’t seem to be my friend)

Last Edited by Noe at 03 Aug 08:33


e.g. operating lean of peak damages your engine…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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