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SAR ops in progress in Iceland for a C172 with 4 SOB

There were no bodies in the aircraft. They’ve now been located.
Not yet recovered due to weather. Named, one is a woman.
From the Iceladic Review Online:
“Crews located the bodies last night with the help of a Teledyne Gavia robot submarine. One is located at a depth of 37 metres [121 feet], and the other three are located further below the lake’s surface. The aircraft is at a depth of 48 metres [157 feet], around 800 metres [2,625 feet] from the shoreline of the lake.”

Last Edited by Maoraigh at 07 Feb 21:24
EGPE, United Kingdom
LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Divers will have only 6 minutes at depth to recover a body, and each can only dive once per day. Aircraft will be recovered later.

EGPE, United Kingdom

They don’t explain the reason behind the limit in duration and number of dives. I assume it has to do with temperature but I would have thought suitable suits existing for diving in those conditions.

LFST, France

I don’t know what’s the water temperature there but dry suit with proper insulation and heating enables quite long dives in cold water. I’m sure divers on Iceland know that. The depth is even less problem, for an average technical diver it’s pretty shallow but maybe they want to limit the dive to avoid decompressing in cold water. Or maybe it has something with freezing surface but support team should be able to take care about that. Or maybe it’s just the journalist who didn’t get something correct…

Last Edited by Emir at 08 Feb 23:12
LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Probably limited access to Trimix as who else wants to dive to 50m in 5 degree water ….

If only I’d known that….
EG.., United Kingdom

Probably limited access to Trimix as who else wants to dive to 50m in 5 degree water…

That would be very strange for SAR team…

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

They don’t explain the reason behind the limit in duration and number of dives. I assume it has to do with temperature but I would have thought suitable suits existing for diving in those conditions

In this depth your blood will be saturated with nitrogen (assuming that they will use compressed air). During the return to the surface they have to stop at several stages to release the nitrogen. If not the nitrogen will build some bubbles in your blood – you don’t want his to happen ;-)

It’s basically the same when a Helium/Oxygen mixture is in use.

EDHN, EDDV, Germany

This probably explains a little bit more around the commercial operation they were running. Shooting a promotion video for an Antwerp (Belgium) based fashion brand. Whether this was a scouting mission or they actually planned to skydive on this flight isn’t mentioned. involved.


LFHN - Bellegarde - Vouvray France

In this depth your blood will be saturated with nitrogen (assuming that they will use compressed air). During the return to the surface they have to stop at several stages to release the nitrogen. If not the nitrogen will build some bubbles in your blood – you don’t want his to happen ;-)

People today regularly do technical dives (for pure fun, me included) to depths exceeding 100m with bottom times more than hour, followed by multi-hour decompression all that in cold water. It has its risks but SAR team should be capable of doing that.

Last Edited by Emir at 09 Feb 07:36
LDZA LDVA, Croatia
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