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SR22 D-EYMT forced landing (no CAPS) in a field after engine failure

Uncommon these days… Link


Last Edited by boscomantico at 25 Jan 07:53
Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Probably safer and less damaging than pulling that chute 😎

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Looks like the landing was well done 👍

According to statistics it’s 98% chance that it had not enough fuel…


I would look more closely at all the oil on the belly…

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

I wonder if his underwear looked the same….

Respect for the landing in that field.

If only I’d known that….
EG.., United Kingdom

Great job!

And yeah there is a lot of oil visible, check out the nose wheel spat

United Kingdom

From the pics we can’ t tell if he was out of fuel, but he definitely was not out of oil.

I wish if I ever have an engine failure, the outcome will be as mild. Kudos to the crew.

Now, looking at the ploughed field, on our retractable airplane it is unlikely since we would probably have elected to land gear-up. I always remember the old advise that as soon as you lose the engine in a SEP, the aircraft is for the insurance to take care of, while the occupants’ lives are for the pilot to take care of…

LESB, Spain

Looking at the track, the engine failed around 6,500ft or so over hilly terrain and he turned towards the airfield and flat terrain. Somewhere in the glide it became clear that he would not make it and he turned right and landed in one of the plentiful fields. Had he continued straight on he would have ended up in the water maybe 1,500m short of the runway. Nice descision making!

Biggin Hill

Cobalt wrote:

Nice descision making!

As usual, I’ll keep my judgement to when, if ever, all the facts are known…

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Dan wrote:

As usual, I’ll keep my judgement to when, if ever, all the facts are known…

Not me. Based on the Cirrus experts I’ve heard from, he should have pulled the chute. I wonder if he had Cirrus training. I’d guess not, since if he had, he would have pulled.

Happy he got it down safely, of course! I hope if this happens to me I can do as good a job.

Last Edited by eurogaguest1980 at 27 Jan 17:15
Fly more.
LSGY, Switzerland
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