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EuroGA Airports Database

Finally, after many requests over the years, and discussed previously, here it is, and is ready for your contributions

Initially, please take a quick look at the FAQ.

Then if you go to the Search Database tab, and press Search you will find all airports with reports.

The objective behind this project is to produce an airport database with lots of quality reports on good destinations and a nice user interface. Multiple reports on the same airport are very much encouraged.

It specifically does not carry stuff which a pilot needs to get from proper sources e.g. runway dimensions.

There are some style related issues which are being worked on, but right now we need you to submit some reports on great, and not so great, places you have been to. Do feel free to report on your home base (enter “based” where shown) too.

While stocks last, there will be a free EuroGA t-shirt, mailed anywhere in Europe, to each person contributing 10 reports with photos. We have M L XL and XXL. These are good quality t-shirts.

And finally do feel free to email back if you have any feedback or encounter any difficulties.

[ edit: no t-shirts left ]

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Nicely done and thank you!

I did a search for ESMI and obviously it lacks any reports yet, however the NOTAM link should still work I hope? We have a NOTAM out but it doesn’t show for some reason.

Thanks More features going in next week…

It looks like there is no ESMI notam via NOAA. I looked at the ICAO site and nothing there either.

Some countries block distribution of its airport notams to some other countries. This used to be a long term issue in France where e.g. an airshow might be notamed as an airport notam and thus not show up on an enroute briefing, and the airport notams were not distributed outside France.

I am not sure there is an easy solution; it came up here and IPPC may have it (from Eurocontrol) but IPPC has just changed its site to block non human clients. Does anyone know if one can get free notams from Eurocontrol?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Don’t know much about distribution, but it is officially submitted via our NOTAM office and can be found both via Autorouter, SD and FF.

Here’s the official NOTAM page for Sweden FIR

AR SD and FF will all be getting notams via the B2B interface of Eurocontrol. They can pay for it

Well, not sure about FF which is a US product. But if FF shows ESMI then they can’t be using NOAA; they must have arranged a separate feed for Europe.

It would not be practical to use a local-FIR notam site. I think a better solution would need to be found.

FWIW you could ask ESMI about who they distribute them to. The point is that a non European departing pilot, inbound to ESMI, is going to brief from his local source, which will probably be NOAA.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

WOW just gone past 100 reports! That’s impressive! Thank you all.

Keep them coming, and if you have any photos of the airport or some nice place nearby, drop them in. They really make the report stand out.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

It is I who submitted it and as mentioned, I am getting support from our Swedish FPC to do this (the NOTAM office).

I checked a couple of other Swedish airports, the small one’s like ESTT, ESKC among others, and none of the NOTAMs are shown for these. I believe that if you are giving the option to search for NOTAMs (which makes sense), you must ensure access to a trusted source. If that’s not possible, then I think you should debate whether to keep that functionality, to not give incorrect information (even though most pilots will use other services I hope to do their planning)

Just FYI, shows them all, also a free service and one which I hardly believe is paying to get access to the NOTAMs.

I know that site; I use it for the UK for a “quick and dirty” look before doing a local. I reckon it gets the feed from each country’s national service, with a script. The ultimate origin will be Eurocontrol. The problem is that these sites break; I have seen so many… see e.g. here. They are run by a hobbyist and eventually he gets fed up with maintaining it.

The scripts are not hard to do; I have a private wx site for all the usual stuff, which gets the stuff from various sites, strips off the advertising and presents it in a simple compact form. I’d say that in any given year 30% of it goes dead. I then rely on another hobbyist clever PHP guy to take another look. To do it at commercial rates would be €500-1000 per day. This is OK for a private site but not really for our Airports site which is going to get heavy traffic. The sources notice this and block the IP. I know another private wx site (actually based on mine originally and then enhanced) which is about 3/4 dead now.

I am on the case… looking for a Eurocontrol based source.

NOAA has notams for most of Europe and the world. The real Q is why Sweden is not supplying its notams to the US?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom


Noticed it doesn’t display Æ, Ø and Å properly, at least not Å. It’s just a black diamond with question mark in it.

The map is veeery slow when zoomed out.

Only ICAO airports?

When pushing “create new entry” is that a new report, or a new airport?

The elephant is the circulation

Peter wrote:

Some countries block distribution of its airport notams to some other countries. This used to be a long term issue in France where e.g. an airshow might be notamed as an airport notam and thus not show up on an enroute briefing, and the airport notams were not distributed outside France.
NOAA has notams for most of Europe and the world. The real Q is why Sweden is not supplying its notams to the US?

All Swedish NOTAMs are in EAD, at least. However, one or two years ago, Sweden moved non-instrument airport NOTAMs to a new NOTAM series. That made such NOTAMs disappear from some services, IIRC Autorouter was one of them. I sent a bug report and the NOTAMs came back. Of course the Swedish change was properly notified, but that’s not a guarantee.

Last Edited by Airborne_Again at 24 May 07:54
ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden
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