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Light aircraft landing on an interstate road

So what do we all think of this Piper landing on an interstate in America. Seems a good outcome although the SUV driver probably doesn’t agree!

Link to 14 second clip:

Hopefully the link works. All are ok ( 2 in piper and 1 in SUV).

My flying in the south of England means there is often a field nearby should the worst happen, but I’ll admit to flying over the M27 wondering if it would be possible if the prop stopped spinning.

United Kingdom

Is it not a Bellanca Viking?

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

Yes, it’s a Viking. They drop like a rock power-off.

Beautifully done, particularly at night.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 04 Dec 15:53

He did that very well. Straight down; no messing about.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Wow that looks impeccable to me for a night landing, the front driver was probably wondering what the heck he was doing on a runway

I circled the whole M25 once at night, it looked with plenty of option, I circle it by day at 500ft agl you will barely fit in 400m without hitting something

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Pilot is an accomplished acro pilot. Maybe those skills paid off here.
Reminds me to continue my acro training…

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