Thanks @italianjon . That’s the kind of feedback I’m seeking, and a good tip.
Is there any German regulation that says you need a DELP to use German R/T? EASA regs certainly don’t.
AFAIK technically you’re right, but I’ve heard of a large fine if anything goes wrong and you can’t prove DE proficiency… How true, I don’t know, but I’d rather not be a legal test case, and find out.
italianjon wrote:
AFAIK technically you’re right, but I’ve heard of a large fine if anything goes wrong and you can’t prove DE proficiency… How true, I don’t know, but I’d rather not be a legal test case, and find out.
Let me tell you a little story.
I hold an EASA PPL with Level 6 English Language Proficiency – which is understandable because I’m British, english is my native tongue. However I did my PPL in German (obviously I speak pretty good German). So when the whole palaver with Language Proficiency came about, I wrote to the LBA and asked about gaining LP for German. They told me that I should write a note stating that I had gone to school for the first 12 years in German or spent the first 12 years of my life in German speaking countries, then I would automatically be granted Level 6.
I pointed out that I am not a native speaker, cannot fulfilled those two criteria but that examiners who carried out ELPs would class me as at least minimum level 5, some Level 6. I was told there was no tests available for setting out the requirements of a German Language Proficiency and as the wording for FCL0.55 was open for interpretation, requiring ‘either’ a Language Proficiency in English OR the language you are communicating in, there would be no problem with me flying to GE only airfields without a German Language proficiency entry as I fulfilled the requirements of my licence.
Indeed, I’ve previously been ramp checked by the Bezirksregierung at my home base (which is DE only) and they didn’t bat an eyelid when they saw my licence only had Level 6 english language in it….