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UK CAA reviewing the PMD (Pilot Medical Declaration) system - again Nov 2023, Closes 4 Jan 2024

Note that the post above shows the PMD is valid with the IMCR so you can fly IFR on it in UK airspace, Class D or lower. But you need a full PPL; the IMCR cannot be used with the NPPL.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

How do you apply for a PMD? Asking for a friend 😔


I’ve been flying on a PMD for several years. I just now clicked on my UK CAA link and searched for “PMD”. I got 3 pages of links, but none got me to the application form.
Their site obfuscation skills continue to improve.
Edit addition. Try:

Last Edited by Maoraigh at 19 Apr 21:33
EGPE, United Kingdom

Thank you


Incidentally, the CAA’s ORS4 No. 1597 seems to have somewhat relaxed the medical criteria for making a PMD to fly G-reg sub 2t aircraft.

Last Edited by Jacko at 24 Apr 14:48
Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

What has changed?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Fascinating…how do they make it so complicated? Does 5.3 point 1 not contradict 5.1 point 4?

EGNS, Other

Yes; same thing but under different headings.

On some UK GA chat sites on FB there is a protest against linking the PMD to a declaration that you are not unfit to drive (driving legally is the sole medical requirement for the PMD – an amazing concession which no other country has). I think this shows how small-minded some people are. A GP – unless he’s a bastard – will be very reluctant to actually certify you as unfit to drive. You need to be in a pretty bad state for that and indicate that you want to drive a car despite that.

IMHO one has to throw the CAA a bit of meat on this… remember they are working against a tsunami of AME protests; for every PMD holder, AMEs are not getting their usual £300+VAT plus, if you hold an IR, £60+VAT for an audiogram every 2 years (which is what I pay). N-reg pilots who also hold FAA papers (plus the Brussels-mandated Euro papers) usually pay 2×. I don’t like the CAA one bit (due to their smash the infringement problem with a hammer project, which they are still allowing that famous guy to run, albeit in a slightly modified form) but there are some (maybe only a few) brave people inside there for pushing this through. Also their license unification project, and allowing the PMD to be used on certified aircraft (wasn’t always the case), are great initiatives.

Protesting against the link between the PMD and driving certification smells of people trying to covertly fly when they cannot drive. In the 1970s I knew a guy – a Director of a customer of mine – who lost his driving license due to drink driving, so he openly flew to work in a helicopter. This was legal but p1ssed off the CAA and was later stopped.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

Protesting against the link between the PMD and driving certification smells of people trying to covertly fly when they cannot drive.

No. You self declare for your driving license so you may as well self-declare for your PMD. What added value is there for the self declare PMD to know that you have made another self declaration. Now young pilots will need a letter from GP: £80 => 4 (glider) flights

Nympsfield, United Kingdom
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