Hahaha, but no Emir, even after your upgrade to bigger engines your DA42 would still be ‘una avioneta’ over here.
Pensé que solo ultraligero es una avioneta
Timothy wrote:
as a reasonable fluent but non-native French speaker, I find the whole philosophy rather incomprehensible.
But we all know that as a group the English simply don’t understand the French.
For me, my aircraft is just “my baby”. This is perhaps because I’m single and never had any children. Mostly though, with others I use the name rather than he, she, or it. That is, Bravo Kilo.
“She” – My evidence, Lord Flashheart’s quote from the private plane episode of Blackadder goes Forth.
“Get inside her……”
You guys can look up the rest of the quote
you can even say “il est une personne” which roughly translates to “he is a she” and as a reasonable fluent but non-native French speaker, I find the whole philosophy rather incomprehensible.
perhaps because you’re confusing sex (of a being) with gender (of a noun). A more accurate translation of “il est une personne” would be “he is a person”.
Une personne can be a male or female person, just as the nouns un éléphant or une girafe don’t define the critters’ plumbing or whether they have to hold a map upside down when trekking south.
Look here Timothy, get a grip. French people understand all this sex and gender business well enough, so it can’t be rocket science. I mean, they even had to nick us fine Yorkshire invention to thin out their aristocracy.
Ultranomad wrote:
…they are the single reason…
Is they?
Timothy wrote:
as a reasonable fluent but non-native French speaker.
Reasonable and fluent?
I think we need you for Brexit negotiations
I guess it’s just that we Brits don’t get it at all.
Sex, I mean.