It has become very difficult to communicate with Jeppesen (Germany) since the Covid! the only solution is currently the Mail without knowing if it is read and the date of the answer …
I was able to adjust my subscription to NAV DATA of my GPS (GTN & GNS) because I had not interrupted them … But due to the fact that general leisure aviation, in France, was grounded in March 2020 by confinement (not counting the following confinements), I did not consider it useful to renew my Jeep FD subscription in 2020 (IPAD ) IFR europe (just under € 600 / year).
Now that the “Covid” sky is clearing (for this summer) I wanted to resume this subscription for the beginning of June 2021 but this is impossible on the site (for a new subscription) and 2020 invoice impossible to update on my space Jeppesen. and it’s the same to have information on Jeppesen IFR cards for my G3Xi … no replies to the various emails.
Do you have any information on an evolution of the JeepFD offer, can be modified from the association with ForeFlight?
thank you and good flights
In my experience, now several months old:
Use the chat feature. Choose French as a language. You’ll be chatting with an anglophone Jeppesen person in North America through an automated translation system (so if a sentence by them doesn’t make sense, translate it mot-à-mot to English, it will make sense), BUT instead of waiting 3h to be connected to a person over chat, you’ll be connected within 5 minutes. They cannot directly act on European accounts, but “their boss” will email the European boss and things will happen… eventually… after days or weeks.
You can go directly into the Foreflight web shop ( https://www.foreflight.com/buy ), and under the heading “OPTIONAL JEPPESEN IFR CHARTS” check which coverage you would like and buy it directly through Foreflight (which in the end of course is still the same company, Boeing).
The charts are obviously only available inside Foreflight if you do it like that, but I have found myself to have stopped using the JeppFD app since Foreflight has included folders under the “Charts” tab. You can now send a flight directly to the “Charts” (or is it called “Plates”?) and will be able to select/unselect the charts that you deem relevant for your flight, much like it worked in JeppFD.
Rwy20 wrote:
much like it worked in JeppFD
IIRC, to switch to the previous/next chart, use 3 fingers swipe where JeppFD required 2 fingers swipe.
Thank you guys
Thank you for your quick and convenient responses.
Jeppesen’s georeferenced IFR charts (App) were therefore integrated into FOREFLIGHT which almost does forced selling using Jeppesen …
I didn’t use this app (FF) enough to find it practical (but it was than in VFR) …. especially as for FPL I happily use AUTOROUTER … but we will have to adapt. because I want to keep Jeppesen IFR charts on IPAD.
Indeed I did an avionic Upgrade on my Bonanza (G3Xi 10.6 ”, G5, GFC 500 A / P on pre-existing GTN and GNS) and I don’t want to clutter up the G3XI in order to keep a space on approach. which must be reserved for HSI with the speed, altitude and Minima bands.
IFR Europe Jeppesen on G3XI is very expensive !
ADLS wrote:
IFR Europe Jeppesen on G3XI is very expensive !
It does include 4 seats on computers, though (including iOS pocket computers with integrated phone feature and flat slab-shaped mobile computers, etc). If you find people to share that with…
We have done this on many threads before, but even sharing with four people it is expensive. Too expensive for most private pilots.
Peter wrote:
We have done this on many threads before, but even sharing with four people it is expensive. Too expensive for most private pilots.
I agree Jeppesen is expensive. But what I meant is that if you are going to share with 4 people (a huge caveat), the “extra cost” for having it on one’s avionics is essentially zero-to-negative. Obviously, only one of the four has it on his/her avionics…
Example 1:
Example 2:
Indeed, “political Europe” has always been 2k/year, for the 4-platform sub, since for ever
Finally I have decided to bought Foreflight Basic + Jeppesen charts (because IFR travel for these days)…and this App is immédiately in use as soon as your payment by PayPal (or credit card) is done.
For Europe 914,79 included VAT, that is to say roughly 400 € more than JeppFD to get the Jeppesen Charts EU !
Yes, Foreflight comes with a lot of functionalities (charts VFR IFR Weather, you can charge Golze…) but I think I will use only a few inflight.
Concerning the Flight Plan and briefing builder, it seem more easier with AUTOROUTER (but Foreflight seems to directly modifie the FPL if rejected EUROCONTROL..).
In flight I need to use IFR Low enroute jeppesen chart, SID,ARR and APP and to modify the FPL (DCT) and, for the 2 first flights, that seem more easier with JeppFD (less menus)…Of course it is my first feeling and it could be change with experience !