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ADL / Golze satellite weather system

chflyer wrote:

Except the ATIS letter. When getting closer, one sometimes needs to hear most of the ATIS again just to get the letter confirming its what one already has.

You need to hear it anyhow completely before contacting related ATC because it’s the only legal way to obtain this info.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Emir wrote:

You need to hear it anyhow completely before contacting related ATC because it’s the only legal way to obtain this info.

Is it defined somewhere in SERA?

I use Autorouter as poor mans D-ATIS, got so used too it ;) …

always learning
LO__, Austria

I got a great use out of my ADL150 on a recent flight over mainland Greece.

This is the ADL150 showing the TS, west of OVVER

This is the WX500 stormscope display, showing a line of 3 strikes to the west of OVVER and RODON. The azimuth is about 10-20 degrees off and the TS is being depicted a lot closer than it actually is (which is normal for the WX500). The dispersion in the distance is the result of the distance being estimated from the strike intensity.

The WX500 is also showing strikes to the south west of the aircraft. These were from a huge and powerful TS a long way away, east of Crete

Clearly the ADL is way superior to a stromscope. The only thing is that the stormscope doesn’t rely on an external service. Also I wonder how (or if) the ADL would depict a single isolated strike, which is certainly a “don’t go there” signal.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

Also I wonder how (or if) the ADL would depict a single isolated strike, which is certainly a “don’t go there” signal.

The current system will show a magenta cross for every quadrant on the map which has got reported strikes in it during approximately 5 min prior to the timestamp, no matter how many strikes or what their properties are. I remember strength, polarity and other things get measured but from a pilot point of view any strike is bad so no need to spend precious satellite bandwidth on more details.

New ADS-B streaming capability for Golze ADL

As a satisfied ADL150 user, I often give a look to Sebastian Golze’s website, to discover his latest inventions.
And this time there was a nice surprise, I didn’t read anything about yet.

Displaying of ADL weather is, for most of us, limited to the iPad. It seems that things could evolve in a really clever way:

What I understand is that this box will take GDL90 data over ADL RS232 port, and stream it as an ADS-B signal, just as if you were receiving FIS-B in the US, or some experimental station in the UK.
The beautiful thing is that there is nothing to hack or wire, you just need to have ADS-B in capability in your avionics.
In my case (I’ve been studying the case for a while) the best choice would be to replace the GTX33 by a GTX345R transponder, with integrated WAAS GPS. The graft seems to be rather easy. And my old G1000 would then be able to receive traffic informations and FIS-B (weather information, such as ADL radar with the new Sebastian’s box, but also METAR/TAF, maybe more ?), and display it on the MFD. Neat !

But there may be even better, if I’m not building castle in the air…
For a while, getting FLARM detection on board was in the back of my mind. I have been following products such as PowerMouse, or Eagle FLARM: light small receiver with internal antenna. One of the problem to solve is: how to display the traffic info ? iPad is not a good solution I think: range is short, alarms can be missed. So I thought: maybe install a separate display… But what a work.

Here, the new box could shine, as it allows you to connect a second device on top of the ADL150, such as a FLARM receiver. In that case, I guess it could stream FLARM traffic over ADS-B, and you would get the information on your MFD as if it were TIS-B ! If ever possible, that would be excellent.

I hope Sebastian will progress with this new hardware. This is the most clever thing you could imagine to bring new capabilities to your certified avionics. G1000 is locked for sure… but Sebastian is an open-minded guy :-D

Last Edited by PetitCessnaVoyageur at 19 Apr 10:57

Looking at the G1000 handbook, I see there are 3 different weather sources / technologies: XM Weather, FIS-B, and Worldwide Weather (= Iridium Garmin GSR-56)

Each source can handle different products.
FIS-B is probably the most limited in terms of variety:

Do you think you will be able to stream those 4 products: Radar, METAR/TAF and Minimas ?

I wonder if more recent avionics (G3000 for example) can handle more FIS-B weather products, or if there is a limitation related to FIS-B technology.

Last Edited by PetitCessnaVoyageur at 20 Apr 06:52

I don’t know if these are the questions for @Sebastian_G or for somebody from ForeFlight but I’ll ask it here because I guess I’ll get answers faster:

1. What defines delay between weather data is updated in ADL application and weather data shown in FF? I noticed few minutes (let’s say 3 minutes) passes between those two events. Can this somehow be triggered immediately?

2. What defines “ADL disconnect” event in FF? I receive it in FF during the flight and “Radar not available” is shown in weather layer and yet later on it reconnects and shows radar data as currently available in ADL application.

Last Edited by Emir at 23 Apr 12:01
LDZA LDVA, Croatia

It will depend on which ADL device is used. In this case I assume it is an ADL120 so the actual GDL90 formated weather data sent to other apps does not come from the ADL device itself but from the ADLConnect app which runs in the background of the iOS.

This document had more details:

Emir wrote:

1. What defines delay between weather data is updated in ADL application and weather data shown in FF?

Some apps buffer quite some weather data until they flush it out to the user interface (ForeFlight and Garmin Pilot) while others update the weather layer with every bit of information they get (SkyDemon). Both have advantages and disadvantages but it is the choice of the developers of those apps.

I made a side by side video showing the process. In the background I trigger a weather download. The GDL90 data stream comes alive, which ist most noticeable in SkyDemon where the warning disappears. Then we can see the weather corridor building in vertical stripes in SkyDemon. Then we wait a bit until this corridor appears in ForeFlight (Disregard the old weather data cached in Foreflight before our new corridor appears).

2. What defines “ADL disconnect” event in FF?

In that case ForeFlight no longer receives the GDL90 data stream. This message only appears when ForeFlight assumes you are in flight (I think >40kt) and not when testing at home. In this configuration with an ADL120 where the GDL90 data is coming from the ADLConnect app. The app most likely did not continue to run in the background for some reason (was terminated, did not have all the iOS authorizations etc.). For testing you can run the ADLconnect app side by side with ForeFlight so you can be absolutely sure it is up and running.

PetitCessnaVoyageur wrote:

Do you think you will be able to stream those 4 products: Radar, METAR/TAF and Minimas ?

I have seen radar and METAR/TAF work on Garmin 695 and GTN750. Those are the basics I would count on. I have no details on the G3000 but for example the recent IFD540 seems to only process those 3 things while the iPad apps (ForeFlight, Garmin Pilot) try to show all FIS-B data in existence so also lightning and cloud tops (and some other stuff not applicable to the ADL system).

PetitCessnaVoyageur wrote:

Here, the new box could shine, as it allows you to connect a second device on top of the ADL150, such as a FLARM receiver. In that case, I guess it could stream FLARM traffic over ADS-B, and you would get the information on your MFD as if it were TIS-B ! If ever possible, that would be excellent.

Yes that should be possible. The current firmware of the ADLS1G box only passes on weather data but with a firmware update (possible from teh iPad when installed) it could also output the FLARM data as TIS-B so a GTX345 would receive it. But I would probably just send out via TIS-B the FLARM targets as the GTX345 can pick up all the ADS-B targets on its own.
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