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Barcelona Area - Sabadell (El Prat LEBL, or Sabadell LELL) or Girona LEGE

Hello all

Planning a long weekend with wife near Barcelona (Platja del Aro, north of Barcelona)

Was planning Sabadell (about 60€ tax+ parking) but can’t find any car rental near the airport (closest is a 2 km walk)

Don’t want to plan on public transport.

So I am looking at Girona.
120€ handling mandatory + 75 € tax+parking

Any tips to offer on one or another ?

Last Edited by jeff64 at 14 Jul 19:07
LFBZ, France

According to AENA, airport fees should be much lower than 75€.

And for the handling, you might want to try this.

From all I have heard about Sabadell recently (after the parking/refuelling arrangements changed), I would go with Girona.

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Thank you

Considering our trip, wishes and expectations, and considering the bad intels on Sabadell too, I think I will plan to Girona.
(furthermore, I already logged Sabadell 15 years ago, so pinning another airport to my mapboard will be great !! :) )

I have trouble understanding the parking fee for Girona, but according to AENA I come to this :
Landing and airport taxes : 13,56+7,05
Pax : 2,36 + 0,71+3,38
Parking : 0,075271 by quarter period, excepted between 0000 and 0600. I calculated 41 hours, so 164 periods, so 12,34 €. I may be wrong on this one.

Total around 40 €. (+VAT)

So far, I got three quotations from handler companies :

General aviation service : 120 € handling + 77 € fees (58,60 € landing, parking fee + 18,20 € airport taxes) (simple mail, but with precise explanations). Located inside the terminal.

Centervol : 75 € handling + 40 € fees (so far, the cheaper, but the one with the most minimalist mail. Two lines at top). Located outside the terminal, about 500 meters.

UAS : 150 € handling, + 60 € fees (20 landing + 24 parking + 16 security fees). A beautiful mail, with a beautiful quotations, with everything included and excluded detailed. They must feel the need for justifying the handling charge !!! lol

I read the handling document from the real aeroclub de espana, and understood there is the “official” handlers companies, with mandatory charges, and “private” ones with free charges.
So from what I understood, “official” handlers from Girona would be Iberia and AviaPartner. I sent an email to both of them, and will see if I got any return.

Last Edited by jeff64 at 15 Jul 08:54
LFBZ, France

Have you considered Ampuriabrava ?

EBST, Belgium


Please contact Ibera handling:

TEL: +34-972 474 192
FAX: +34-972 474 959
Móvil: +34-629 239 129
E-mail: [email protected]

If they don’t reply to your e-mail, phone them. If you need help, PM me. They are usually busy with “bigger jets” and don’t really pay attention to GA but they MUST provide the service. If the contact is unsuccesful, in RMK (18 FPL) state “Iberia Handling” and once you land phone them so they can pick you up. Be advise that service is subject to availability and if they are busy at that precise time you may have to wait. (I waited 1h last week in Ibiza because it was peak time).

Total price is 20€ for the transport service in and out from the terminal. You have to ask for “Servicio de acompañamiento” or “Escort service to the terminal”.
On top of the 20€ you must add landing fees (roughly 17€) and parking.
Do not hesitate to contact me.

Good luck and share your experience!

Don't get too slow
LECU, Spain

Hi Speed

Thanks. I emailed them this morning and will try phone them tomorrow (my wife speaks spanish fluently)

Do they arrange slot (mandatory in girona) or must we do this by ourselves ?

LFBZ, France

Hi again,

Please check the AIP:

“Business and General Aviation Traffic (IFR/VFR) is conditioned to the declared capacity. Request slot PPR 3 HR to CECOA LEGE. TEL: +34-972 186 659 / 658; e-mail: [email protected]; FAX: +34-972 474 222; AFTN: LEGEZPZX. Aircraft type, registration marking, operator and the handling agent, departure and destination aerodrome, and date/time of ETA and ETD must be included.
Flights without clearance are not allowed.”

You have to phone or send an e-mail in order to get your slot.

Don't get too slow
LECU, Spain

Girona is very good in my experience.

EGTK Oxford

speed wrote:

Hi again,

Please check the AIP:

Yeah I saw that but the FBO’s who answered me so far told me they take care of getting me a slot.
But after reflexion, considering Iberia will do the “minimum reduced” prestation, it is pretty logic to assume they don’t take care of it.

One more question : is the 1hr delay thing pretty common, or on the contrary more exceptional ?
One goal of the weekend is to bring Miss Jeff64 to like travel by GA, and if I make her wait 1hr on an apron, without shadow, under 30°C, I think I will start with negative points :-/

LFBZ, France

jeff64 wrote:

Yeah I saw that but the FBO’s who answered me so far told me they take care of getting me a slot.
But after reflexion, considering Iberia will do the “minimum reduced” prestation, it is pretty logic to assume they don’t take care of it.

I have always used execujet who dealt with the slot. Get quotes from them all.

EGTK Oxford
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