Yet another year gone.
EuroGA will be 12 years old in 2024! It has been five years since we moved to donation funding and it is working great.
It is time to do a new appeal for donations
An email has just gone out to everyone who has authorised receiving emails in their profile.
There is a Paypal button on every page and there is an IBAN option (PM me) for those who prefer that.
Thank you all
Done. Please make this thread sticky for some time.
Done. Euro 250 and worth every cent, in fact worth many, many multiples of that.
Thank you Peter!
I am about to donate once again; but noticed that the system is still predicated on €uros.
I paid last year in Euros, only to find out later, that you/EuroGA had to convert this into £ sterling.
Is there a (easy) way for you to accept both Euros & Sterling so that those of us who donate in the U.K. can help you get the whole donation?
Best wishes,
I am amazed at the level of support this time around. Thank you all!
Peter – like many others who prefer to pay direct into the bank, I can give you the bank details and then you can just pay is GBP. For sure there is a loss in the conversion; the Donate button was done in Euros simply because most people are in the Eurozone, and a Paypal button makes it easy to donate. I am not sure if the button can be set up to have a currency selector.
Done! And will do again.
Thanks for all the work and service.
In preparing the accounts for 2023/2024, it was discovered that someone donated 2k! No idea who it might be but from the abbreviated name it looks like it was from someone in France. One French pilot had been donating 1k but this entry looks different. I am unable to thank whoever it was in person… This is really wonderful!
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Yet another year gone.
EuroGA will be 13 years old in October 2025! It has been six years since we moved to donation funding and it is working great.
It is time to do a new appeal for donations Many of you have already sent them in January and thank you for those
An email has just gone out to everyone who has authorised receiving emails in their profile.
There is a Paypal button on every page and there is an IBAN option (PM me) for those who prefer that.
Thank you all