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Interesting landing today at Portoroz LJPZ

Peter wrote:

The failure to realise this is the essence of the overpricing problems GA has in Europe

You know that goes together with the bigger problem of encouraging GA activity (and safety where we are not doing a good enough job) .

It is a multiple vicious circle of high-costs→low activity and transition to non-regulated flying→perception of low safety → low activity→high prices and on and on…

Portoroz, a few other places in EU and, in some sense, Cirrus have “always” been proof that the circle can be partially broken with the right motivation, right resources and right thinking.

Last Edited by Antonio at 18 Apr 06:42
LESB, Spain

Emir wrote:

I was to LJPZ this Sunday and it seems that customs and immigration are not constantly there anymore and PPR is required. I didn’t see the policemen who were usually there in the past and AIP says customs and immigration O/R. Also NOTAM specifies new contact phone and email for airport border crossing PPR.

I stumbled across this as well and I am curious.

What does “As AD Administration AND O/R” really mean? I fear it means that even during AD Administration hours, a request for customs/immigration is called for, given that Emir says the customs/immigration office is no longer permanently manned.

That NOTAM says:

That would mean, another airport lost where one could “just land” without worrying about stuff like advance notices for customs/immigration.

Last Edited by boscomantico at 17 May 09:59
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

What does “As AD Administration AND O/R” really mean?

My understanding is, that custom or immigration are available at the same times as airport administration is available. On other times on request.

I found this several times when flying in Romania and Bulgaria this year (before Schengen) and as we were landing at Administration hours, we never Regelstudienzeit any of the others but they where there in place.

EDDS , Germany

My understanding is, that custom or immigration are available at the same times as airport administration is available. On other times on request.

But wouldn‘t that be „As AD Administration OR O/R“ ?

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

boscomantico wrote:

What does “As AD Administration AND O/R” really mean?

boscomantico wrote:

But wouldn‘t that be „As AD Administration OR O/R“ ?

To decipher this it’s better not to be a programmer. In the mind of person who translated this sentence from Slovenian to English these two sentences probably mean the same. I’d read this like: “Customs and immigration are available as AD Administration. In addition these services are available on request.”

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

This is a well-known ambiguity in the use of the word “and”…

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden
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