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Planning my first flight to Cannes

Hey there,

As I can’t find any “Flying VFR to Cannes for Dummies”, I would be very grateful if you could share with me some thoughts.

For context, I’ll be flying from Cambridge UK on a SR22 TN with the family. That means I’ll need one stop for refuelling. I choose LFQB (Troyes). So far, so good (I hope).

But now the doubts start.

Do you have any recommendations for routing on the second leg? Is it easier to climb and go direct or to go around the alps?

Also, what’s the easiest way to approach Cannes? From the sea?

I know, I told you… I’m a dummy. But getting better. Slowly.

Many thanks in advance.

EGSU, United Kingdom

Fernando wrote:

Is it easier to climb and go direct or to go around the alps?

How much do you gain with climbing, how shorter it is? And how high do you plan to climb? I’d look at forecasted winds to get idea of turbulence, especially in descent. In addition, I know there are some gliding zones on your route descending inbound LFMD.

Fernando wrote:

Also, what’s the easiest way to approach Cannes? From the sea?

I guess you’re planning to use RW17/35. I’m not too familiar with usual VFR operations in the area, so I don’t know if ATC would allow descent from N to final RW17 (if that’s the runway in use), so I would assume some overhead join is expected (either from N or WL). From there onwards it’s left pattern for RW17 or right pattern for RW35. Altitudes and noise abatement areas are described in AIP.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

I think for arrivals to Cannes LFMD @johnh would be the best source…


@emir, thank you.

I want to avoid going much higher than FL120. It won’t make me much faster. To be honest, time isn’t an issue. I rather fly in easier to handle airspace.

Regarding approach, it makes sense. Many thanks!

EGSU, United Kingdom

On my phone so brief

You CAN fly direct over the mountains but you’ll need to be at least FL120 and even then you’ll be on intimate terms with the scenery.

A more prudent route is down the Rhône valley to Montelimar then turn left to 120 or so and wiggle through all the red stuff at 7500. SDVFR or similar is your friend for this.

For arrival at Cannes from the west you’ll fly to point WL at 2500. Tower will tell you to overfly the field at 1500 then join downwind for 17.

LFMD, France

Fernando wrote:

I want to avoid going much higher than FL120.

Regarding the terrain, I don’t see the need for flying above FL100. Arrival to N is 2500 ft (same as to WL) but I guess the descent can be turbulent. If you fly over lower terrain more to the west and then turn to WL, I guess the flight can be more pleasant. However, local expertize (@johnh) on different weather phenomena is your best bet.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Weather is a thing in SE France. It can beautiful in the morning and seriously convective by late afternoon. In the worst case you can go down over the sea at 1000 feet and fly under it all – though beware of a lot of red stuff. Less of a problem at the weekend.

In that case you’ll overfly St Tropez and arrive at DR at 1000 feet. From there tower will send you to SA then clear you onto downwind when they can.

LFMD, France

@johnh @Emir your advise is priceless. Thank you.

@peter We could create a team of experts per each country. I would pay for the advise above :) for a newbie like me, it means a lot.

EGSU, United Kingdom

It needs to be a big team! I’m good for Cannes and Avignon but that’s about it.

LFMD, France

I have never flown to Cannes but I did overfly Lyon before, twice. Both times I did it different to how you show your screenshots. I did it how I think it’s advisable to do it in order to be cleared through VFR. It’s a class C after all.

I used 15min, to consider all R zones and airspace and this is the route I came up with(Foreflight map route):


This route at FL75 puts you into a couple of R airspaces that might get NOTAM activated, you would need to check this on the day.

If the weather over the mountains is bad and you have to go around, then I would route like so:


Better also at FL75. I would not attempt this if clouds don’t allow you to fly higher because then it becomes quite complicated to navigate R airspaces and CAS. This route also puts you into more CAS and also into more potentially active R airspace which you would need to check on the day. I definitely prefer the first route.

I defer to others regarding the approach into Cannes itself.

Last Edited by hazek at 18 May 12:00
ELLX, Luxembourg
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