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EuroGA ZOOM video lounge

I’ll join if I’m back from my trip in time.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 951 2807 6895 (note new number; the previous one was inadvertently set up as a one off meeting but this new one can be used multiple times); usual password (standard altimeter setting in hPa).

EGTF, United Kingdom

Thanks for setting up the meeting ID.

Hopefully there are a few more that are interested in joining the discussion tomorrow evening.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

I’ve posted it in the zoom telegram group.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I should be able to make it.

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

Thanks all for an enjoyable conversation last night

EIWT Weston, Ireland

Yes, thanks and sorry I had to leave abruptly.

ENVA, Norway

I was too busy preparing my LFNH expedition tomorrow, but will try to join in the next one !


maxbc wrote:

LFNH expedition tomorrow

Enjoy it’s a good destination

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

We’re doing another zoom lounge this evening, Sunday 2 June, at 2000 utc.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 951 2807 6895 (note new number); usual password (standard altimeter setting in hPa).

All welcome!

EIWT Weston, Ireland
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