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CIME card in France - a mandatory crew certificate?


What is the scope of this requirement, how do you obtain it, and who does it affect?

It seems similar to the German ZÜP.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Thank you for raising this point I never heard before.

It is a real EU requirement, starting in 2023, only for commercial airports. Otherwise, handling will be mandatory.

Major federations (AOPA, FFA) will set up a website for members to apply for one.

The main difference with your AOPA card or paper license is it involves a background check.

Each country must set up something to deliver these cards, like for airline crews. So they should be accepted EU-wide.

LFOU, France

Related news from AOPA France:
Carte officielle d’accès aux aéroports

Last Edited by Maxime_G at 31 Jan 09:30
LFLY, LFHI, France

Jujupilote wrote:

Each country must set up something to deliver these cards, like for airline crews. So they should be accepted EU-wide.

That I think is the main goal. It would be impractical, if you have to get one for each country, so basically they have to come up with an air crew badge like the airliners have which is valid Europe wide.

Jujupilote wrote:

It is a real EU requirement, starting in 2023, only for commercial airports.

So which category of airport are we talking about? Anything where there is commercial traffic? That would include airports like Avignon, Montpellier, Cannes, e.t.c?

From when do you need that card? What do you do at airports which don’t have handling if you don’t have one?

EASA should put their feet down: Get the certificate and the infrastructure to obtain one in place with a certain period to do so and only then make it compulsory.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

I wonder what “2023” means? January? December? I was at Avignon a couple of weeks ago and things were as they have always been. Though I suspect “commercial” means “airline”, which lets Avignon out (at the moment anyway).

LFMD, France

This EU regulation existed before, the French law never required crew to have ‘airside training’ they relied on their ‘club’ or ‘company’ to get something

I wonder how much this affect visitors vs residents?

  • Residents pilots need badges in most instrument GA IFR airports but previously this was easy just send your ID and hangar lease or club membership
  • Visitors pilots are usually exempt but I am sure operations, handling, security, police…have a different point of view on roam free or getting escorted

AFAIK, all airports with scheduled airlines flights already require badges for residents pilots (e.g. Lille, Nantes, Bordeaux…), some require an ‘airside training certificate’ to issue the ones from DGAC, those who don’t require this have have some ‘chinese wall’ between GA/ACB and CAT (e.g. Brest, Perpignan, Rennes…), this becomes interesting when you need JetA: the truck can’t come to ACB parking (landside) or you have to taxi to CAT parking (airside): you will get searched by security before the truck can come to you….I am not kidding, at Brest you should not exit your JetA DA40 until you get green light from airport security otherwise you will be drawn in papers the whole afternoon !

Small GA IFR airports without scheduled RyanAir/WizzAir B737 don’t have these issues (e.g. L2K, Calais, Rouen, Avignon, Cannes…) but many require badges for residents pilots…VFR airfields are less likely to be affected

Last Edited by Ibra at 31 Jan 11:34
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

According to the link posted:
Maxime_G wrote:

Related news from AOPA France:
Carte officielle d’accès aux aéroports

It’s all airport that have ‘public transport’. They give the examples of Beauvais, Tarbes, Limoges, La Rochelle, etc. The French AOPA is working with the DGAC to get something in place so that GA pilots will be able to take an online class and get their cards via the AOPA wich would be playing the role that airlines plays regarding professional pilots for getting this card.
I don’t really understand this requirement, having a Pilot License in my opinion should be enough to get you to your plane, otherwise how do you fly? And you are supposed to learn how to behave when going to and from your aircraft at any airport during your training, so what are you expected to learn during the extra class?

ENVA, Norway

I don’t really understand this requirement, having a Pilot License in my opinion should be enough to get you to your plane, otherwise how do you fly?

You are right, it’s here see Article 1-2-2-3 I-T (students and licensed pilots)

Individual CAT airports seems to be running their own implementations of EU laws, something to do with money making stuff in handling with private security… sure AOPA, FFA could find a solution with DGAC for all airports but as far as the law is concerned there is nothing required in ‘public airports’ for crew other than FCL papers, in ‘private airport’ or ‘private-public venture’, well the manager can invent whatever access rules they want

Even with pilot badge, you will have prohibition to bring pob to private aircraft without going through security, especially when airliners are around

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

I had to do an online questionnaire to get airside access at Cannes, so I guess it will be something similar.

AOPA FR say the have now got it sorted, so I guess I’m about to join.

LFMD, France

I had to do an online questionnaire to get airside access at Cannes, so I guess it will be something similar

Was it while visiting? or to get your aircraft based there (and get airport key/badge)?

Last Edited by Ibra at 31 Jan 12:51
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom
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