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First IFR route planned - Help needed.

Aviathor wrote:

Why on earth are you so passionate about this?

I guess I could ask you the same about airways…

LSZK, Switzerland

In the early days, Autorouter was composing routes using IFR waypoints unknown to the sector controllers.
I’ve had a couple of occassions where I got an irritated controller saying: PH-PCA are you ready to copy your new routing?
And I got a list of different waypoints close to my filed route.

There has been an Autorouter upgrade some time ago where this has been solved.

lenthamen wrote:

In the early days, Autorouter was composing routes using IFR waypoints unknown to the sector controllers. […] There has been an Autorouter upgrade some time ago where this has been solved.

Those were data errors in the Eurocontrol navdata. We have put a lot of work into identifying them and getting Eurocontrol to correct the mistakes. There were hundreds of them. The whole European navdata business is a big mess with several conflicting “official” databases that are each incomplete and of poor quality.

The problem is very infrequent nowadays but can still happen. Should you ever have a waypoint on your flight plan that is not found on your Garmin etc. GPS or ATC, kindly let us know so we can investigate.

Thanks for all your input, I will file the following AutoRouter generated route: N0150F100 COWLY Q41 NEDUL DCT BOLRO DCT KETIK/N0137F030 DCT DIN TUPUX1C.

One query, if someone could be kind enough to look at the STAR’s for LFRD……wouldn’t MINQI1C be more suitable, as it is virtually in a straight line between KETIK and DIN. The only thing I can think of why Autorouter adds the TUPUX1C STAR is that it keeps you out of the Channel Islands CTR?? It does send you a fair distance to the NE

Last Edited by Rob2701 at 08 Sep 16:34

I wouldn’t spend too much thought on the SID/STAR. There is no reliable way of anticipating what you will be flying and your filing has generally no influence on what you get. It depends on the airport’s operational procedures.

autorouter has an optimization target and it uses the actual trajectory of the SID/STAR in that computation (unlike other solutions that pretend SID/STARs are DCTs from/to the airport). Therefore it must have chosen the STAR because the other one gives a less favorable solution, probably due to the different connection points. You can always specify a list of desired SID/STARs before routing.

The route over UK mainland follows a standard route (dashed line) but over the sea, you will be in airspace G which should not be an issue. I think that is a very good route.

Last Edited by achimha at 08 Sep 16:43

tomjnx wrote:

I guess I could ask you the same about airways…

Actually I am not passionate about that. Passion obscurs your mind. What I am a little bit sensitive to is being chewed out for offering what I am doing and why.

What I do works for me. I read others’ opinions/suggestions with interest, evaluate, test, make adjustments…

In this post I stated:

Most of the time the autorouter routes with DCT will work out really well.

As a matter of personal preference I will rather file IFR routes than DCTs because…

Nuff said.


There’s a long debate about filing Direct on a US forum. Some guys file Direct all the time and let ATC’s computer spit out the route. Many times they get direct after the initial stuff – it has happened to me on several occasions when I’ve done it. By filing Direct it shows the intent to ATC that you want to go, well, direct. Other guys thinks it’s lazy to burden ATC with that and you should file a proper route.

Is this the way it works in Europe? Can you file Direct and have the computer figure out the route? And how do you convey to ATC that you want to fly Direct if not?

Hi Rob,

Firstly, I don’t agree at all with the comment about the flight school. I only figured this stuff out by reading these forums and asking questions!

1) It is unlikely you’ll made be made fly or even given a STAR.
2) You’ll probably get an omnidirectional departure out of Dinard
3) You are likely to be talking to Renne approach on the way in, they may ask you what kind of approach you want – ask for ‘a vectored ILS approach’ (unless you want something else). If you don’t ask for vectors, they might just make you fly the procedural flight school stuff.
4) At Dinard, there are English instructions on the inside of the fuel cabin. Read them first before operating the computer, it saves lots of time! The ‘fob’ for the fuel system needs to be got from the fire cabin at the other side of the terminal. If there is no fireman there, look for the big red button to call them at the cabin.
5) Dinard is a great place to fly into, nice trip… hope you enjoy it lots.


Last time I went to Dinard the hut was empty, with the resident nowhere to be found. Presumably working through the wine food

So I filled in the form with my details.

The bill arrived… one year later And one wonders why these airports are getting threatened. Their cash flow is minus zero.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom


Thank you for posting the initial query. I have followed the thread with interest as a trip that I likewise am planning (as a recent CBMIR)


Re : There is no reliable way of anticipating what you will be flying and your filing has generally no influence on what you get.

Can I ask what people generally do re their initial plog given the above? Do people bother to fill one out for the filed route? Or just use an electronic one, Skydemon, etc, with perhaps a plog with enroute aids and frequencies

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