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AME wanted German/Dutch border or Belgium

I understand the Blackshape Prime as operated at Lelystad to be a ULM which would explain his need for further training. I have a copy of an exchange of emails between an AME, KIWA and ILenT which confirms the situation on medicals.

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

Ah! Got it.

EDLE, Netherlands

Why would flying a ultralight require additional training from a PPL holder, apart from perhaps some familiarization with the particular type? In Poland I can fly an Aeroprakt, registered as an ultralight, on a PPL and all I needed was a checkout flight with an instructor.

EPKP - Kraków, Poland

Gare du Midi Station Brussel-Zuid, there is a medical centre where I have my class 1 examination performed every year. They are very efficient. From the train platform to the medical centre there is a less than 5 minutes walk. In Belgium they like red tape too: for instance, a LAPL medical certificate is not enough to fly a microlight. You need a Belgium specific class 4 certificate (most of the Belgian microlight flyers use a French licence on a French reg microlight aircraft, which does not require any medical certificate)

Last Edited by Piotr_Szut at 23 Feb 14:39
Paris, France

Piotr_Szut wrote:

ou need a Belgium specific class 4 certificate

Confirmed: my AME – who is really a nice chap, and has good connections with the powers that be in this respect – has always issued me a level 4 as I need for renewing by ultralight license, and never objected to also keep up a level 2 – I wanted to have it for the day I can afford to go for a PPL plus IFR. But last fall he profoundly apologised for being unable to continue doing that, due to pressure from “above”, I now hold a level 4 only.

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium
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