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Eurocontrol loses all flight plans

Just got this in an email circular from Rocketroute:

We have been notified by EuroControl of a failure of their Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System. As a result, ALL FPLs filed before 1026 UTC today have been lost by the EuroControl system. A corresponding contingency plan is in effect.

It must be an IT cockup of cosmic proportions, given that they have duplicated data centres in Belgium and France. But, hey, if you rsync all your data from A to B and 5 mins later from B back to A, this is what happens

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

It was interesting…

The contingency plan has 4 phases, ALERT, ACTIVATION, OPERATIONAL and RECOVERY. The ALERT phase message was sent 1101Z with estimated entry into the OPERATIONAL phase (ie the main contingency phase) 1226Ζ. Since the first message was sent all slots (ie CTOTS) went from -5 – +10 to -5 – +20 in order to help more and more flights depart, since no messages (eg for slot revisions) could be sent. Then came the ACTIVATION phase message (1144Z). All flight plans before 1226Z had indeed to be sent again.The RECOVERY phase message was sent 1649Z with entry into the phase 1800Z.

Up until 1800Z the rates that would have to be used by the (now) decentralized flow management system where computed from a simulation from last summer’s demand with computed flows from main airports to various general destinations. Capacity was assumed 10% lower to allow for traffic from smaller airports. The FMPs (flow controllers) of the sectors would have some more freedom for the domestic routes.

Things would be trickier if this happened in a heavy summer day. I feel that it would need a great deal of coordination. I read that this is the second time the Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System (ETFMS) has ever failed in 20+ years (first time was in 2001).

LGMT (Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece), Greece

“Please wait while Windows is installing updates”

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland
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