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Cirrus BRS / chute discussion, and would you REALLY pull it?

Maybe they should put a lock on it or maybe a lock with a combination. I think in the interest of safety there should be an AD put out for this.


I echo Flyer59. “Anyone can do something stupid on any given day but we should not have to pay the price of a human life because of it”

2 lives saved is the bottom line and that is a great result.

EGKB Biggin Hill London

It is a serious subject and I do believe in the chute. For a number of reasons. However no matter how many fail proof mechanisms one puts in Human beings will find a way yet unthought of to screw it up.


Can the chute be activated by a stiletto heel? I mean accidentally…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Right, there will always remain a way to screw things up … in THIS case the outcome was very good and she (probably, maybe … who knows) did the right thing.

Peter wrote:

Can the chute be activated by a stiletto heel? I mean accidentally…

I dont think that position is possible in an SR 22 or Cirrus. Now in a 210 I can definitely tell you it is. In my younger days it was even possible in a VW beetle.


In the old days, flying a twin the risk of one engine failing was twice that of when flying a single-engine airplane.

In modern times flying a Cirrus with two occupants a chute pull is twice as likely than when there is only one occupant.


In the old days, flying a twin the risk of one engine failing was twice that of when flying a single-engine airplane

Aviathor, actually more than twice, as you also have the probability of a double engine failure to take into account.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

Now in a 210 I can definitely tell you it is. In my younger days it was even possible in a VW beetle.

C210 my wheels are a 72VW1300, in a VW Beetle a lifetime of yoga might be needed to achieve this.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

I am really surprise of the question “who is quicker, a man or a woman”. No need to graduate from a university to know that women will always be faster, they have no balls.

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