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Currency requirements - EASA IR ?

I’m going to wake up this old thread.

Has anything changed during the recent years? Have any requirements for IR currency been added? Or can an IR pilot 11 months after the checkride without any IR hours take on an IR flight with passengers?

Also, what are the requirements to stay current on a MEPL, e.g. only VFR?


Yes, in the EASA system, for an SEP (IR) rating, there are no “currency” requirements. It’s either “valid” or not and that’s it.

Then, there are “currency” requirements for taking pax both day and night, but these have little to do with the IR.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

What about MEP (IR)? Is that different?



ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden
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