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Highly unusual visitor to the Cessna 182

Spiders are in general creatures more to worry about than snakes. The camel spider looks creepy and I would not be happy flying around with one of them :-)

EDLE, Netherlands

That’s a interesting one! I agree about spiders, they hide underneath things and can more often get you before you know it. That’s not to say snakes can’t do the same: my wife had never seen many snakes and despite my warnings to be careful almost trod on a rattle snake one day, while gardening. The benefit was that she is now more careful. She’s also come to understand that they are common in our area, but not all of them are harmful. We had a harmless one that curled up in a large flower pot and spent an hour of so watching her, looking left and right as she moved about In the end an autistic neighbor came and moved it to a better area – he is an absolute expert on snakes and handling them.

With outside temperatures rising and the summer approaching in Southern Africa, snakes become more active. That is not to say that behind every stone or bush, there is a snake hiding. I till the people to watch out when they get into bed, to use a light to see when they want to get out of bed where they are walking and to check shoes (scorpions). When outside, they should use a flashlight in the dark and instead of stepping just over a tree branch, it is better to step on top. I have seen them in cornflake boxes and once in a box with bottles or wine and beer. Someone wanted to grab another beer and almost grabbed a snake. In general, however, they clean out the mice and rats around the house and are not aggressive, unless provoked or cornered. The green mamba is very dangerous and you want to make sure you are not bitten or otherwise say your last prayer :-)

EDLE, Netherlands

Snakes are a lot like planes; so beautiful but very unforgiving for neglect or carelessness

EBST, Belgium
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