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The Aviation Industry in India

Peter wrote:

Actually underwear would be OK


The elephant is the circulation

Ah, ok i get it ;-)

Nothing to do with commercial and GA, but here’s something from the perspective of the manufacturing side of aviation in India:

My (ex) company used to sell for millions worth of equipment to the Indian aerospace industry, which has its hub in Bangalore. Flight simulation equipment (motion systems) and fatigue test systems. For aircraft projects and even jet engine projects (how many countries are able to design and manufacture the latter ones?). I went there a few times and always enjoyed the clever nature of the people in these companies. They had no problems at all using our equipment, that is rather specialised. Admittedly, mostly military applications and not for export, and GA is not really on the radar.

So let’s not get to snobby More talent than you may think in the aerospace manufacturing industry of India, and only a handful in the world that surpass them..

We also sold quite a bit into China..

Last Edited by aart at 27 Oct 19:46
Private field, Mallorca, Spain

Sure – the USSR put a man in space in the early 1960s. India has nuclear technology, and the delivery means for it, etc.

But none of this is related to allowing the sort of “free” GA which we are used to.

I would be amazed if India “ever” allowed GA in any form we can recognise, on terrorism grounds alone.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
14 Posts
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