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How many hours in your Non-Flying Logbook?

The problem is that you have only Spain to fly to, and after some distance you have France, and anything else is a long haul. This is also evident in GA flying patterns. Well, there is Africa

Flying wx is just a part of it. Bad wx at the destination is equally a problem; few want to go somewhere to spend a few days in the rain.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

few want to go somewhere to spend a few days in the rain

I still feel pain of 3 days in foggy Annecy in January while forecast said 100% sunny.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Peter wrote:

The problem is that you have only Spain to fly to, and after some distance you have France, and anything else is a long haul. This is also evident in GA flying patterns. Well, there is Africa

This is actually correct. Spain is in the way, but in saying that there are quite a few nice places to go to in Spain, and quite diverse. And to be honest I look forward to flying down to Morocco, starting with Fez, where apparently there is a friendly aeroclub and avgas available, it´s a 3H30M flight in my slow Rallye with 6H endurance.

Emir wrote:

I still feel pain of 3 days in foggy Annecy in January while forecast said 100% sunny.

I feel you! ;-)

Last Edited by Yeager at 05 May 07:48
Socata Rallye MS.893E

The problem with fog is that meteorologists have not yet found a way of forecasting the different types. Much is educated guesswork still. Which is why at places like Biarritz there is a constant “airport may be covered in fog with little notice” (sic)


Aviation is the school of patience :)

Better be on the ground wishing you were in the air than being in the air wishing you were on the ground :)

I recently made a short IFR flight with not the tidiest ILS at the end. Made me think I need more currency training!

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

Reviewing some old threads may give myself a diet of three approaches per month to maintain minimum currency.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

just reviewed my logbook, and I’m about 1 day behind schedule… well, weather has been crap for quite some time around here too, and the season has not really started yet 😉
One of the many advantages of being an owner is having one’s aircraft at disposal anytime, but for maintenance downtime.

My steed will be 20 years old in 2025, and is now approaching 2K hours, some of the stuff I had on my private HIL has been taken care of, and I’m basically ready.
Now the downside of owning a homebuilt is that it is never finished, ideas for “improvements” keep popping up, and most of us spend some time tinkering iso flying 🫣

Last Edited by Dan at 05 May 11:37
ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland
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