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Aviation cardiology discussion

pilotrobbie wrote:

I’ve been told it’s because I never had an initial ECG. Which was a thing when I did my initial Class 2 because I was 20. (I am sure I had one…)

Apparently now the CAA have demanded AME’s do an ECG on next medical.

If you had one, then it sound suspiciously like an excuse to “earn” a few more quid…


arj1 wrote:

If you had one, then it sound suspiciously like an excuse to “earn” a few more quid…

£80 is a lot lol, almost 30 minutes flying time for me. I’ve gave the AME written permission to check CELLMA.

I never knew about this CAA mess-up of allowing people to have no ECG’s if they were “Young”.

Qualified PPL with IR SP/SE PBN
EGSG, United Kingdom

Struggling with stress ECG (Bruce Protocol)

I have had two attempts at this, due to anxiety I struggle as my breathing is awful. First attempt 3 mins to stage 2 a while back now in 2020, due covid concentrated on keeping by business afloat so no need for medical, this morning tried again 7 mins, 1 minute into stage 3 so a good improvement but still very anxious.

AME now seems to think I have a lung problem so has referred me for that , that will take a while on the NHS. I have supplied my resting BP on 5 mg of amplodipine. And that’s good and at the 2020 medical told me to get fitter which I did, quit alcohol, but still 16st at 5’11.

I do not need my medical for work related income, but getting calls to return to FIing because of a shortage looming, so a hobby FI since 2003. Held a class 1 since around the age of 20. PPL since 1984. Always been anxious through medicals very tense , I guess the option here is continue to practise on treadmill until I can do the 9 minutes, then he wants an echocardiogram.

I’m 59 recommended to lose a stone too fat. And practise treadmill. And get fitter, could n’t really talk much through the process as too anxious which Dr disregarded and convinced I have a lung issue, he said 80 year olds can do the first 3 stages of the Bruce protocol. And if you cannot do the 3 stages you will never get a class 2 even. I think I will get there with more practise.

Eye pressures a bit high as always, thick corneas so need to get that checked again.

AME is OK ex military and very blunt which maybe is good as some AMEs previously have been very relaxed about he whole medical issue.

Maybe just difficult to keep medicals when getting older I do not know.

Just a bit dejected really today. Wanted to get back instructing as I miss it.

United Kingdom

@justin may know more.

My Q would be why they sent you for a tress ECG in the first place. Only a consultant cardio will be competent to deal with this. What I do know is that a stress ECG is highly diagnostic – of “something”.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

You get to do an ETT (Exercise Tolerance Test) on your Class 1 after 65. Then it is every four years. Not much demand for these as the airline pilots retire at 65.

The Consultant Cardiologist was ex RAF and very good, in fact I managed to get a better than usual blood pressure reading, so she created a nice calming environment.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

Do anxiety and instruction mix well?

If only I’d known that….
EGSH. Norwich. , United Kingdom

Lots of people get anxious around doctors but are just fine everywhere else. “White coat hypertension” is a well documented symptom of it.

Andreas IOM

Aware wrote:

but still 16st at 5’11.

Therein lies the issue.

Any test of cardiovascular fitness is going to be extremely difficult for you. Bring that weight down to where it ought to be (~12 stone, give or take) and it’ll be no big deal at 59.

When he said 80 year olds could do the first three stages on Bruce, he meant fit and healthy 80 year olds.


@Aware I sympathise, as the years roll on it isn’t that easy :) I can manage with a lot of effort to lose half a stone, but only a momentarily lapse on the pie quota and it seems to grow back on. While I definitely can’t out run, or out cycle my fork, a long distance cycle journey does seem to make a momentary dent on the scales, in the right direction. I only managed target weight when I had a 19 mile each way cycle commute, but that was a long time ago.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

Seems to me the medical is doing what it’s supposed to ???

If only I’d known that….
EGSH. Norwich. , United Kingdom
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