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Health / Food / Blood Pressure (merged)

Neil 05-Dec-14 00:08 #19
Growth promoting hormones are not allowed in European beef production. I believe it is used in South American beef production. I do not know about the US in this regard

I can assure you that it is the rule rather than the exception that animals from which meat products are derived are given growth hormones. You have to buy organic food that is specifically labels “no antibiotics or growth hormones”. Which by the way can cost 50% more.

A consequence of using growth hormones is that almost 50% of Americans are obese. 30% are off the 1960s vintage charts. The result is less people getting into aviation cause they cant get into the plane. If they could they have no wt allowance for fuel. So therefore GA is under stress in the US. Another case of cause and effect.


I once met a man in his 90s, still working in a demanding job, I was the first doctor he’d seen in 20 years and he looked several decades younger. He put it down to eating several grams of aspirin a day for decades. Mind you, he eventually came down with bad stomach ulcers…

IMHO, in this instance it’s the “demanding job” part that’s significant, not the aspirin consumption.


The one thing nobody has mentioned is that, at least in the US, BP medication is taken very seriously and has to be listed on your FAA medical. Which if it doesnt raise a red flag for the examiner it surely raises a yellow one. If you can lower your BP with just Beet Juice go for it.

I wonder if buying processed organically grown Beet juice is effective as well? Here in Hungary there is not a lot of BIO stores.

Which brings me to an off topic in a way statements. I had a lot of respect for EU insuring that people had a healthy food supply until I saw an Al Jazeera special on how it is illegal to list the amount of Trans-fats which are in a product. In the US surprisingly, that bastion of corp-govt complex (of greed), they are mandated to list trans-fats because it is so harmful. Yet in Europe the EU forbids it!

The latest news I got was that the EU and the US are negotiating a free trade deal (privately and behind closed doors) where it is said that the EU standards will be lowered (ahum) I mean changed to the US FDA standards. What gives? Have US corporations which have already bought off the US govt doing the same to the govt of the European Union?

After I found this tidbit of information Im ready to join the green party.

Sorry about the left turn just want to get this off my chest since we are talking about health and food.


it is worrying that EuroGA now has a cooking forum

I prefer that very much over a “healthy lifestyle” forum.
Especially as some around are showing unexpected talents!

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

It is certainly true that the food lobby is very powerful, everywhere.

This is stating the blindingly obvious: to eat well one needs to be pro-active, which correlates with education and that correlates with income – just as well since organic / free range food can easily double your food costs.

One enemy is political correctness, because a doctor (here in the UK) is not allowed to say to a patient that the reason you have Problems X Y and Z is because you weigh 200kg. So out comes a prescription for a load of pills… 8 minutes later, next patient. Well, it’s changing now, in the last few months, about 20 years too late, because they are realising that diabetes is going to hit public finances much harder than dementia’s £17BN/year does currently, not least because people with diabetes can live for many years (albeit with a crap quality of life) whereas the average stay in a dementia home is 2-3 years before death (and that is after you forced them to sell their house and raided the proceeds until the residue falls below 16k or so – a procedure not [yet] available for other “illnesses”).

But one can’t fix the whole world. All one can do is to make sure your family eats well.

The reason for my original posting is that – despite most pilots being either unwilling to talk about this topic, or take the piss – a large % of pilots stop flying when they lose their medical. So this is extremely relevant to GA. Look how many pilots stick with their AME even if he is 200 miles away – they dare not risk a new AME finding something… Joking aside, this subject is a constant worry for most “older” pilots.

And high BP is what gets a lot of pilots. The problem is that none of the BP medications are any good. They work is perverse ways which unsurprisingly have side effects. There is no medication which simply fixes your BP without buggering up something else. Like there is no medication which fixes depression.

Actually there are very few medications that “fix” anything properly. But public policy on this is driven by population stats and if they work out that giving everybody e.g. statins reduces the public bill by 2.3BN then they try to give everybody statins.

Hibiscus tea and some veg juice will do a lot for BP, but veg juice is brilliant anyway, fills you up so you end up eating less, and more importantly is a dead easy way of consuming an amount of veg which most people could never eat in solid form. Look at that pre-juicing pic I posted… who would eat that? Nobody. A juicer costs about one big avgas fillup.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter 11-Jan-15 10:54 #42
So out comes a prescription for a load of pills… 8 minutes later, next patient.

Socialized medicine. No wonder you guys are going broke. We in the US have a much more efficient system, its 4 mins next.


Peter says, “But one can’t fix the whole world. All one can do is to make sure your family eats well.”

True but but only by banding together as in the case for any reform can change happen because the establishments goal has and always will be no change. They have to be forced to make changes. Crack any history book and see. If it wasnt for AOPA there would be no GA in the US at least nothing that would be recognizable. Thank God for social media the one place that is so far freer from thought control.

The news media is biased. I knew the NY Times middle east Bureau chief. A publication that most Americans (educated) regard as their bible. He told me some of the stories he wrote and sent in were often so edited and slanted as to be unrecognizable. That was 20 yrs ago. Do you think things have improved since then


veg juice is brilliant anyway, fills you up so you end up eating less, and more importantly is a dead easy way of consuming an amount of veg which most people could never eat in solid form.

…but you don’t get the fibers which are also quite important. I do eat a lot of veggies but I prefer them whole.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

So I am starting to feel bad about my lunch which is in the oven….

EGTK Oxford

So I am starting to feel bad about my lunch which is in the oven….

Put it in the juicer… as Peter said that allows you to eat much more than you could eat if you took the whole thing.

PS: I have a vegetable juicer, too and I like it very much but only in Egypt where you get real vegetables and not the tasteless stuff they sell in the EU.

Last Edited by achimha at 11 Jan 11:32
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