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Best aircraft contest

I suppose to pretty much everyone, the best aircraft (at least in their price league) is the one that they own.

Otherwise they wouldn’t have bought it!

There is also a lot of phycology around the area of us coming to think that what we own is the best, even if we weren’t 100% sure at the time of purchase.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

Otherwise they wouldn’t have bought it!

I would rather say: The one you buy is the best one you can afford… On the other hand, I once co-owned a C421. Apart from the maintenance invoices and fuel bills, this one would really be a candidate for best aircraft, at least in it’s category.

EDDS - Stuttgart

Emir, where are you?

Although my emotions are mixed between TB20 and DA42, I vote for DA42.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia
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