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White cover for iPad

My iPad 4 (full size) is white but sits inside a black hardcover kneeboard enclosure, which naturally gets quite hot when its sunny.
In more extreme conditions (say 35C), it can overheat and shut down. Rarely happens, but I’d prefer if it didn’t.
The enclosure has lasted fairly well but is starting to fall apart and could do with replacement, so I’m considering if there is a better option.

What’s the solution to that? Does this happen less with mini iPads? I’ve looked for a white cover which should reflect heat but can’t find anything other than black. And there is a concern that a large white pad might reflect into the windshield and obscure/reduce the view outside.

Any suggestions or recommendations?

FlyerDavidUK, PPL & IR Instructor
EGBJ, United Kingdom

In my opinion (which counts for little) an iPad is too big – the ipad mini is the ideal size and can be yoke mounted out of direct sunlight

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

FWIW, what I found makes a big difference to overheating is whether the back surface of the tablet is covered with plastic, or not.

It applied equally to the Ipad2 and to my Lenovo T2 tablet – very similar technology.

Since I stopped using the protective cover (like this) the heating issue got a lot better. The tablet gets scratched etc and that’s the tradeoff.

I would expect the Ipad Mini to heat up a lot less than a full size Ipad – in the same way as other smaller tablets. My Samsung T705 8" tablet has proved to be impossible to overheat, and I have tried…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I use a silver hard case with keyboard and love it. Good protection and helps with heat, although laying it in direct sunlight will still overheat, particularly on the glareshield.

KUZA, United States
a silver hard case

perhaps there would be a market for platinum or titanium or even unobtainium hard cases, too?

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

The back of the iPad has been designed to act as a radiator. Enclose it in any non-conductive cover (regardless of color) and it will be prevented to perform as designed. Even a metal board attached to a (usually warm) thigh will affect it negatively. As long as the metal back is exposed to ambient air (even rarefied) and multitasking apps are shut down heat should not be an issue.

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