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How easy is it to flatten the battery in your aircraft?


This is why some make a habit of never switching off the beacon.

Exactly; a local club / school made that standard practice after the CFI ran down a battery forgetting to switch off the master :)


Easy way to reduce such a risk – just remember 3M once in parking position – Mixture, Magnetos, Master.


Michal wrote:

Easy way to reduce such a risk – just remember 3M once in parking position – Mixture, Magnetos, Master.

But there are consumers that are not turned off with master switch e.g. reading lights as written at the begining of the thread.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Michal wrote:

Easy way to reduce such a risk – just remember 3M

How can I remember to remember 3M?

Cars usually beep when you let the headlights on and turn the ignition off. Not that anybody turns the headlights on anymore given that all cars have an “Auto” position. The latest Cirrus go in that direction with their remote control and courtesy light. The solution to people making frequent mistakes in a user interface is to improve the user interface.

)Emir wrote:

re not turned off with master switch

ok, I missed that.

achimha wrote:

How can I remember to remember 3M?

you are right, the Cirrus family is a good example of “let´s do it differently” attitude. But for the time being, we need to stay with what we have ;-) and 3M , GUMP and other stupid things are helping us…


achimha wrote:

Cars usually beep when you let the headlights on and turn the ignition off.

Yes. I relied on that until one day the beeper stopped working… guess who had to jumpstart his car the next morning

And with planes, I am probably (reading this thread) the last living pilot fossil who uses his paper checklist. Always. Never flattened a battery to this day. The trick of leaving the beacon on will not really work for me for two reasons: First because it is 15ft up and barely visible in daylight anyway, therefore easily missed (5 feet only for the flying school aircraft but even less visible in daylight…) and second because no handling agent or refueller will approach an aircraft with the beacon on.

EDDS - Stuttgart

I use a paper checklist too, but unfortunately distraction is the enemy of all checklists

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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