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Is Avidyne's TWX670 stormscope any better than a WX500?

> Personally I fly with on board radar, datalink and the WX500. The WX500 is the least usefull comparmed to the other equipment. Ours will not display correctly the range and bearing. Bascially it will tell me there are thunderstorms somewhere around but not much more.

There is something wrong with your WX500/MFD as it should display a good bearing and a rough distance that will err on being too close to your position. Here in the SE US, there are daily thunderstorms and avoidance capability is critical. In most single engine aircraft, onboard radar systems are next to useless because they lack the power and antenna size to penetrate storms and can lead one into a bad cell because of attenuation. It is often a different matter on a twin where an onboard radar is the only tool I would trust for tactical use. Both Nexrad and Stormscope are not well suited for picking your way thru closely spaced convective activity. Nexrad because of the time delay and the Stormscope because of its distance accuracy. The nice characteristic is that with both Nexrad and a Stormscope, some weather can be safely penetrated as one can determine if the Nexrad display is convective or not by observing the Stormscope. Also, the Stormscope does not have as much delay in the presentation and when the activity is convective, it is often easy to see where the storm is located now. I have multiple sources for Nexrad on my aircraft, a Beechcraft Bonanza. I have only one source for the Stormscope. If I had to choose only one, based on my experience, I would choose the Stormscope. If I only had Nexrad, I would keep a wider berth from the weather, particularly if I couldn’t use my eyeballs to spot it.

KUZA, United States

>There is something wrong with your WX500/MFD as it should display a good bearing and a rough distance that will err on being too close to your position

I find exactly that. The bearing is pretty accurate. The distance can vary and yes it does tend to depict them a lot closer than they are.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Same opinion here. The WX500 served me very well and I am excited to find out how much more/less the RDR2000 will deliver.
Sebastian I have sent you an inquiry regarding the WiFi interface. I’d like to put one of your boxes in my plane too.

LSGG, LFEY, Switzerland
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