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Portoroz LJPZ (Piran) Meet-up 5-7 Sep 2015

tomjnx wrote:

Good to see that they’re now used to GA traffic. When I was there a couple of years ago, they were very surprised to see a GA plane turning up. The apron agent tried for half an hour to find out what the landing charge would be, but failed, so he decided it was free

We need more people with that kind of thinking!

Last Edited by Airborne_Again at 16 Sep 08:20
ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Guess what a LGKO Met lady officer told me 20 years ago upon seing my first C150 ?
…"Why did you bring THAT here,dont you know that this airport belongs ( !! ) to OLYMPIC AIRWAYS ? "

I mention that OA at these times ,was a state company run with Soviet criteria.


MedFlyer wrote:

Guess what a LGKO Met lady officer told me 20 years ago upon seing my first C150 ?
…"Why did you bring THAT here,dont you know that this airport belongs ( !! ) to OLYMPIC AIRWAYS ? "

I suppose many big airports have this idea even today but were told by lawyers that they can’t openly say so. Hence, they put ridiculous charges or more ridikulous PPR conditions to keep the unwanted GA garbage out.

Not limited to Greece mind.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Since few days ago I’m the only GA user parked at Zagreb LDZA airport except one Citation which has been rotting there for several years.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

What has happened? In 2012 it was full of GA. Even in 2014 there were lots.


Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

A bit like Mali Losinj but a lot warmer

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Plane spotter mode – Skiathos

Ariana probably need a crew briefing for this

That was taken from a boat, not a plane

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

That was taken from a boat, not a plane

Was going to say you are a bit below the PAPIs!!

EGTK Oxford

What has happened? In 2012 it was full of GA. Even in 2014 there were lots.

100€ landing fee

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

That’s horrible.

Same happened in Prague LGPR. In 2005 it is was about €50 and the apron was full of GA. In 2013/2014/2015 it was about €150 and it was empty. Last time there was just one SR22, and me.

Yet 99% of airport costs are fixed costs so they are just wasting money. Especially given the poor options for Prague – Vodochody (open when the owner gets out of bed) Letnany (grass) Kbely (open only to factory visitors and no avgas). Prague is a superb destination… wasted by idiotic management at LKPR.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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