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UK GAR form discussion, and UK border police procedures

though it is not in this document these rules or whatever comes out will be applied to outbound flights to EU by next year. I don’t know about you but I have more difficulty with 2 hours outbound than inbound

OK, but were in fact discussing the above document, so how can we know anything that is not in there?

Last Edited by boscomantico at 20 Apr 16:50
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Have a read of the summary here (it has a link to the consultation document) and complete the survey and have your say- you dont have to be a member of an Association

I tried to fill out the survey – but the submit button results in this message:

“Difficulty contacting server. Please try again or contact support”

Andreas IOM

so how can we know anything that is not in there?

1) there is ample evidence that exit checks are now being applied to ferries and commercial scheduled (official from May 2015)
2) because someone who has worked for the greater good for 6 years (including trying to understand Home ~Office needs) says from all indications that it is the Home Office intention to apply ‘exit ’ checks across the board (but what the hell social media is awash with experts who don’t put the footwork in and contradict honest experience)
3) Sir Charles Montgomery promised the Home Secretary in 2013 that he would have exit checks in place by 2015 across the board
4) that there is active work and projects within the Home office to introduce exit checks in all areas.

Yes of course we cannot make anything of this, in response, concerning the rather loose outline of what the proposed CDs will be – which actually are incomplete. That is why the Associations’ response is to critique the proposals as stated – woolly as they are. But in a broader discussion of implications it is fair for all to consider the implications of such an extension to exit checks in formulating a view.

The document says
The proposed approach to be taken is that the timescale for advance
____notification for all airports will be__ ……….(b) in the case of departures, no later than two hours before departure from__
the United Kingdom

it does not say EU flight excepted nor indeed any flights excepted

Now while that statement (which includes the possibility of exit checks) is not followed through in the proposed draft of CDs (which as I say is incomplete ) it certainly supports my contention that the same rules are intended to be applied to outbound when appropriate.

But each to his/her own and you are entirely free to suggest that there is no Home Office intention for exit checks.

BTW Boscomantico weren’t you the one who was broadcasting above that the regulations would not apply to EU flights ? suggest some more homework;-)


there have been some reports of failing to access the poll particularly using IE
check that your browser allows the use of scripts particularly jscript
if you are concerned about security you can change the settings to allow scripts and change ’em back
this from google
Open Internet Explorer.
Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options.
On the Security tab, click the Custom level button.
Scroll down the Security Settings list until you see Scripting and Active scripting

I have it working fine on IE but haven’t checked this evening – maybe we have more responses than the server allows ;-)
we have over 300 so far

best pf luck and please respond – I’ll do my best to sort it


What’s the situation with medical evacuation flights.

Will these be forceably restrained on the ground for hours prior to departure, risking medical health or making it difficult to ferry medical supplies, organs etc. in a timely manner? Late departures may miss a landing slot or become out of hours at the destination with a knock on effect.

What else can individual pilots do to encourage more restrained rules? I have filled in John’s survey. I could live with filling out a GAR prior to departure since we already do that for the return leg but think 2 hours prior notice to depart the country is draconian, and definitely want to see the end of 12 or more hours notice just to fly to Eire/NI/CI.

FlyerDavidUK, PPL & IR Instructor
EGBJ, United Kingdom

there have been some reports of failing to access the poll particularly using IE

I’m using Chrome. I tried later on in the evening and I think it worked the second time.

Thanks for your work in all of this, by the way.

By the way, the really absurd thing is you can drive across the NI/Eire border in a car as often as you like whenever you like without telling anyone. Or do it on foot well away from a road, or on a bicycle – but to fly a microlight that has a tiny fraction of the payload of a car from NI to Eire you have to tell the police in advance!

Andreas IOM
I’ll try to post a document on Association policy once it is reviewed
meanwhile I have permission to publish an Irish perspective document – wiiltry to put that on tomorrow

Thanks John,

For those of us who fly abroad VFR from northern Britain, any “exit GAR” or notice period would be more than just a PITA. The knowledge that we can set down anywhere en-route to the channel if need be and wait for a front to pass (or whatever) is what makes the journey safe and stress-free.

Just a thought: we flile flight plans to cross FIR boundaries, so surely the spooks can get most of the info they need from that system? Then, if they saw a flight or a pattern of flights which raised suspicion, they could ask the aircraft owner for details of pax, etc. I think this is more or less how the TA 2000 Act’s twin prior notice and reporting requirements were suposed to operate before being rolled into one GAR form for SB’s administrative convenience.

Oh, and I’d like to say thanks for all your work in this regard, it really is much appreciated.


Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Great stuff guys – keep it coming
remember solidarity brought down the iron curtain

RE medevac – truth is HMRC have just not thought that one through despite being told in numerous meetings that such issues exist – I specifically remember one Association colleague making this point well over a year ago.

I do think the exit dimension is worth discussing because I am sure it will be just rolled in provided the main regs can be agreed.. So the points need to be made now.

We will be making such points although our main critique sticks to the draft but there’s nothing to stop anyone from making their own personal points – there is an email in the HMRC document
Not telling you what to say but you start with ‘Strongly support UK GA Associations opposition to these proposals and support their campaign for more practical and workable solutions. From my experience and point of view I am particularly concerned about…..’

A good law is one everyone can sign up to – then it will work, everyone will know where they stand and there will be fewer confrontations.
I sometimes wonder whether the uniformed officers who advise on operations in reality just want to be the sole arbiters(please sir can I move now?) rather than allow us plebs to understand it for ourselves.

meanwhile I have permission to publish an Irish perspective document – wiiltry to put that on tomorrow

Hi John. Just wondering what this is. Have you had a chance to put it up yet? I haven’t been able to find it on your site. Not sure if you haven’t put it up yet, or I’m missing it!


EIWT Weston, Ireland

I do think the exit dimension is worth discussing because I am sure it will be just rolled in provided the main regs can be agreed.. So the points need to be made now.

We have to suffer making exit reports right now in the Isle of Man (with an absurd 12 hour requirement, unless using Ronaldsway). Every time I fill out the exit GAR, it makes me feel a little bit like I’m living in Soviet Russia needing an exit visa. It’s incredibly unwelcome.

Andreas IOM
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