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UK GAR form discussion, and UK border police procedures

I agree 100% with Dublinpilot.

However what is extremely interesting is that LFOZ does not offer this service officially

yet for €200 you can purchase it from the French police!

I have heard of this before (bizjets going Biggin to Toussus) but nobody knew how it was arranged. One of the pilots just said “with money anything is possible”.

This is hugely important. Not that €200 is good value but that it is possible at all.

Also €200 is not much if it is arranged for say a fly-in, where they turn up and process say 5 planes.

Do you have the contact details for arranging the payment @FredPilote?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Germany offers customs at a location of your choice, too. It costs a fee depending on the time it takes the officers to drive to the location. You could takeoff with a plane in your backyard for a flight to Sudan.

Usually it’s not worth it because there are plenty of airfields with customs/immigration so you just perform an extra landing.

@Peter It is not the cost of customs. 200€ is the cost of opening the airfield for the police to come and check you out so if you fly out on a weekday during business hours, it’s free if you PPR 24 hours, so it’s pretty easy in fact.

LFOZ Orleans, France, France

@achimha wrote:

Germany offers customs at a location of your choice, too. It costs a fee depending on the time it takes the officers to drive to the location.

That’s a bit strange. Last year I asked the police to handle my departure for the UK from Leverkusen EDKL, and they didn’t charge me, nor did they bother coming to see me. I merely phoned them to ask if it was at all possible, and at first they kept redirecting me from one office to another, but once I got the right person on the phone, he just asked me to e-mail him a scan of my passport and pilot license. The following morning, he called me back and said to say my departure was approved, and e-mailed an official letter to that effect to me and to the airfield office. Was I lucky to get it for free?

LKBU (near Prague), Czech Republic

No. He was talking about customs. You are talking about border police (the old argument). For the latter, there are somewhat more flexible arrangements in place in Germany.

For the former, you need to apply with german customs. The most epic example of that was the “Application for liberation of the inch airfield compulsion” at Bonn-Hangelar (EDKB) airfield:

Last Edited by boscomantico at 22 Aug 02:57
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Had I known this was possible at Hangelaar in 2013 I would have flown there, but despite enquiries (including here) that option remained undiscovered. So I flew to Cologne. Is this recent?

I remain, as ever, impressed with this

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

It wouldn’t have halped you, since that application of for customs (Zoll = customs) and you would have needed immigration.

However, EDKB is also a designated border crossing point, flying in there from the UK is no problem anyway. Hey, but they don’t have an ILS (despite having precision approaches )!

Last Edited by boscomantico at 22 Aug 06:00
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

In Hangelar EDKB you can fly from/to the UK without PNR. The guy that operates the fuel pump is in charge of immigration (auxiliary police). You just tell him where you’re going to or coming from and he will write down your passport details. That is very nice, most GA airfields require 2h PNR.

@boscomanti that form you posted is fake, isn’t it?

No, I’m not kidding. A while ago, someone at the PuF forum pointed to it, and I immediately had to save a copy of that, in case it would get pulled from the EDKB website.

Guess what…. it’s still there!

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

For future reference, I found out the risk for not landing at an international airport. It is stated in Article L6232-3 of the Code des transports and it says 3 years in prison and €30,000 fine. That’s a good reason to make sure I always land on an international airport when I go to the UK.

LFOZ Orleans, France, France
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