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Funny ATC Comments

Only that >90% of this “Funny ATC” stuff is just made up…

During a period of heavy Arab student flight training activity a few years ago, I heard somebody call for landing clearance in a heavy accent, reporting that he had the ATIS and would accordingly be “landing with Allah” ATC displayed not the slightest reaction except that you could hear laughter in the background as they gave instructions.

had the ATIS and would accordingly be “landing with Allah”

That is absolutely standard in Arab countries, I heard it all the time when flying IFR there. “Cleared to land, insh’allah”, “direct XYZ approved, insh’allah”, etc. That statement is deeply embedded into their culture/religion and you are even supposed to use it when referring to outcomes in the future. It’s mandated by the Holy Quran (Surah 18, Ayah 23-24).

Thank you , Achim, much more interesting than the supposed fun that comes back every so often.

I can’t help wondering if there would be a way to show respect to local tradition while not joining up, but I understand there isn’t – either one enters completely or one remains completely outside. Or not?

(( apologies for hijacking the thread , split-off welcome ))

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

Jan can you explain your comment?

“Thank you , Achim, much more interesting than the supposed fun that comes back every so often.

I can’t help wondering if there would be a way to show respect to local tradition while not joining up, but I understand there isn’t – either one enters completely or one remains completely outside. Or not?

(( apologies for hijacking the thread , split-off welcome ))"


Trouble in New York…

Not a funny one, a scary one. You know you’ve screwed up quite royally when you make the controller’s voice go up an octave…

Andreas IOM

I think the first one is pretty funny :-)

The second one (the pilot) does such a lousy job, unbelievable.

The BA at Frankfurt, with many Lufties departing ahead of it.

“Speedbird 123, why are we still waiting for,departure and everyone is going ahead of us?”

Unknown Lufty " Because we got to ze airport early under put our towels on ze runvay!"

EDHS, Germany

This happened to me summer before last after taking off from Henderson in Las Vegas after asking for flight following:

LA Center: Squawk 4666.
Me: Hey, that sounds a bit menacing. Squawking 4666 now.

After a pause:

LA Center: I can give you another squawk if you prefer, sir.
Me: It’s fine, I’m an atheist.
LA Center: Haha, OK. Radar contact.

Also a well known one:

FFM GND: " Aeroflot 123 – check workmen on taxiway A "
AEROFLOT 123 (having passed the construction site) : " Workmen checked – all working! "

EDxx, Germany
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