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Germany-Egypt in a Cessna 182

Yes, we made it and we're on our 2nd beer already. Trip was incredibly smooth, no problems whatsoever, even immigration in Egypt and ATC were hassle free. We didn't even have to pay a landing fee or ATC fee for our port of entry. Amazing.

I see you've arrived. Nice trip! Thanks for sharing your stories.

Bushpilot C208/C182
FMMI/EHRD, Madagascar

Good luck you 2, I am right now in Soma Bay, around 70 miles off El Gouna and we have here a very strong wind. TAF for El Gouna says only around 12 knots, hope it is true and you will have a safe landing. Good luck detlev


But I must admit movies were never my thing, not even those of a certain kind. The blog makes good reading, though,

Interesting ... it's quite the contrary with me. I made it a principle not to read blogs any more (with no exception, never ever again) after wasting a lot of time reading mediocre stuff from untalented (writing wise) people. I'm sorry for the guys who make good blogs, but that's the way it turned out.

Films are different, I always give them a chance.

So on this trip, you will read the blog and I will watch the movies :-)

EDDS - Stuttgart

The teaser did little to impress me - sorry to be difficult - more glazing than cake to my demanding eye. But I must admit movies were never my thing, not even those of a certain kind. The blog makes good reading, though, I particularly don't envy your LGST landing with a 30 kt crosswind. Far beyond the abilities of both this debutant pilot and his humble stallion.

Great job of yours to do the blog bilingual, some fine-honing of my Deutschkenntnisse is nice to have. But I remain disappointed on politically incorrect phrases in the native version - are they over well hidden? And I am beginning to feel some sympathy for the ever-bullied Markus.

Happy landings! Keep up the good work!

And, most of all, keep on smiling };-)

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

Always fight for the centreline... (Sorry, been an instructor for too long ;-) )

Safe journey!

EDDS - Stuttgart

I would avoid this part of the world for the time being.

That is the unfortunate result of biased and unjustified media reports. No person not involved in protests has been harmed so far -- quite a good track record for a revolution, isn't it?

I would avoid this part of the world for the time being.


That sounds like you're a bit annoyed, and such was not my intention - there was some pun intended but perhaps I should have made it more clear. So sorry!

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium
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