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Corona / Covid-19 Virus - General Discussion (politics go to the Off Topic / Politics thread)

No idea. Here, I think the vacc programme started with Pfizer, given to the oldest people in care homes and to NHS staff. As soon as AZ started coming in, about 50% of people got that one, again starting with the old and working down the age bracket but also doing all ages in certain professions (health, police, fire crews, etc) and the latter groups of course included many young people.

Pfizer was contraindicated very early on for people with serious allergies. In the longer run is seems to kill via heart attacks, which is acceptable

The problem is when you are down to ~1ppm, you aren’t going to get good data.

Of course, not being stupid, I “get the drift” of the “continental debate” which is that “young people are not affected by CV19 so why vaccinate them” but that misses the absolutely key point is that if they are not vaccinated, the virus will spread among them and new strains will develop which will eventually evade the vaccines, and continue to kill ~1% across the entire population, with the resulting economic and other mayhem.

That is the reason why the UK is continuing to work down the age bracket, with AZ or Pfizer as available (bear in mind both of these have massively under-delivered, to every customer, regardless of geography) while in some other countries they are taking the view, expressed further above, that a vaccination is some sort of “liability contract” between the State and the patient, and no level of known risk is acceptable. That is a nice and warm approach but will ensure that this epidemic never ends and merely turns into an endless vaccine-adaptation race. There will always be side effects (MMR is ~20ppm, for example, and measles is a really horrible disease) but when these are in the tens of ppm range, in normal times one would call that an absolutely exemplary vaccine.

The slagging off of AZ is not just clearly counterproductive but depressing because nobody here wishes the European mainland to be screwed. If Pfizer was slagged off in the same way, their legal department would aggressively tell Country X to stick their vaccine requirements up their back orifice and they would sell it elsewhere. They are making some $20BN/year out of it… AZ is seriously considering dropping this product line, though currently their chief exec (a Frenchman!) is denying this. It would be a pity because on the overall side effect risk their product is just as good as every other.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

To put that number in perspective:

Out of 18 million, I suspect that rather more than 30 had already caught Covid asymptomatically without getting tested. Something like a million.

The vaccination gives them Covid antibodies too, so could anybody tell after the event?

I have read that Covid also causes blood clots.

White Waltham EGLM, United Kingdom

I was not trying to make a point or gather any useful data for any pro or anti argument. I was just interested. DT are reporting 25 deaths due to blood clotting, perhaps related to the AZ vaccine. Somebody must know the age range of those 25 and I was just interested, bearing in mind that a 24 year old with no comorbities had died of a blood clot in Nantes, after having been vaccinated with the AZ vaccine. I agree it has no bearing on the risk or not of taking the AZ vaccine except for the people who died and their families and friends of course.


I have not seen the age profile published.

I’d say that one 24 year old dying of it is completely statistically irrelevant. It would be relevant if only say ten 24 year olds had been vacced, obviously, and it was proven none had prior CV19 exposure, but here in the UK the numbers are huge. There has not been a programme to vacc young people with Pfizer, specifically.

There are sure to be some broad factors e.g. people of different age groups are differently likely to travel to different types of vacc centres, and different types of vacc centres may be offering different vaccines. For example old people are more likely to go to their GP while the younger are more likely to go to the large scale centres. But these are broad factors. When I got vacced, at a huge facility, there were lots of old people there too.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Why the defensiveness, as I said I was only interested, I was not looking for statistical relevance? I was just what I thought was a simple question.


gallois wrote:

I was not trying to make a point or gather any useful data for any pro or anti argument. I was just interested. DT are reporting 25 deaths due to blood clotting, perhaps related to the AZ vaccine. Somebody must know the age range of those 25 and I was just interested, bearing in mind that a 24 year old with no comorbities had died of a blood clot in Nantes, after having been vaccinated with the AZ vaccine. I agree it has no bearing on the risk or not of taking the AZ vaccine except for the people who died and their families and friends of course.

Quite right.

The problem seems to be that the data (as I said earlier) is hard to come by. Maybe, because the numbers are so small, it is under a DP veil. After all it would be easy to attribute the data to individiuals.

I do agree with you the facts must be known and they are relevant. As I said earlier anyone with this condition should have their medical history examined to see if there are any contributory factors.

We also dont seem to have basic knowledge of the rate of this condition in the general poplulation by age, although I am sure in fact we do, I just have seen it.

It seems to me this is the basic data that is needed to see whether in fact there is a direct relationship with AZ and this condition, and if there is such a relationship whether there are factors than would suggest some people might be more at risk than others.

I dont doubt this work is being done, and, as I have said before, in the meantime it should be left to the experts and in particular those with unfettered access to the data. This is one occasion when speculation is helpful, as it will almost certainly prove either wrong or incomplete.

In the meantime it seems to me the risk of dieing from Covid for some sectors of the population is far far higher than the risk of this condition.

I don’t doubt the age profile is being looked at – the data certainly will have been captured.


Good article on the issue of vaccination ‘passports’ and the difficulties in creating a secure and uniform system here:

Another idea that in time will slip into the dustbin of history… but not until a lot of money is spent on the bureaucracy.

The reason its hard to implement in the US is that our system of government was constructed by design to prevent totalitarian government from being easily implemented. Not something that the Washington Post would readily understand, but thank goodness a big factor in why it will fail.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 02 Apr 17:53

You’re getting this completely wrong, @Silvaire. This is not government driven, but by private enterprise. Want to board a plane? Show me the vax pass. Want to go to a restaurant? A concert? Same thing. In the end it’ll be ‘no jab -no job’.

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