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Last Generation in Munich

The soap dodgers have been at it again – cutting through a security fence and gluing themselves to the concrete at Munich Airport shutting it down for a few hours – see here for more details.

What I don’t get is the fact that we can’t take a bottle of water through security yet these wasters can access secure areas of an airport. Also, they claim that flying is “most polluting” – I’d like to see them comparing a trip from Hamburg to Zurich in a car with flying using the efficiency of modern day aircraft such as mine.

When will someone take airport security serious?

local copy

EDL*, Germany

This probably won’t stop until someone is badly hurt or heavily sentenced.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Airport (Aviation) Security is a show. The more the unaffected (non criminals/non terrorists) are molested, searched, scanned and checked the more they believe something is actually being done… while in reality one can simply cut a fence and enter the secure area completely unharmed,

always learning
LO__, Austria

Steve6443 wrote:

When will someone take airport security serious?

I’d be very interested in seeing how the cleanup is done after and incident like.
OK, right, the muppets are gone, but who says that they have not placed some explosives?
Or compromised structural integrity of any hard surfaces?
Or damaged an aircraft in some way it is not obvious right away?
In the end, if muppets like that could easily penetrate the fence, who says it can’t be done by other terrorists?


arj1 wrote:

who says that they have not

Simply because that’s not what this kind of “muppets” do.

In the end, if muppets like that could easily penetrate the fence, who says it can’t be done by other terrorists?

That’s a much more interesting question. In the end, it is a question of cost vs. benefit. You can’t have perfect security and you don’t want a police state either.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Airborne_Again wrote:

Simply because that’s not what this kind of “muppets” do.

Airborne_Again, that is the problem – we don’t know. Even the majority of those muppets don’t usually do that, there is no guarantee that their movement is not hijacked by more sinister people.


You can’t have perfect security and you don’t want a police state either.

The uniform and obvious application of rule of law is not a police state. I agree that mostly these people have childlike maturity and are mostly harmless idiots if you ignore the property damage and impact to travelers trying to run normal lives, but the opportunities will doubtless become interesting to others, who will eventually join in.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 19 May 13:48

Whilst on the subject of security, as you all know, the European Football championship starts next month in June and already the planned ED-Rs have been published, depending on security threat level, there are no restrictions for manned aircraft but only for unmanned vehicles, or there is a restricted airspace of 3NM around the stadiums with a 12NM TMZ/RMZ or, 30NM restriction. The restrictions will span from a time 3 hours before the game until approx 3 hours AFTER the game.

If stage 3 is put in place, say, in Düsseldorf, you can see the impact below – this is a circle of 50km radius when 30NM is actually 55km.

If the game starts at 15:00, that means from 12 noon (local) until 8pm all that area is effectively a no fly zone for VFR; worse, IFR flying to smaller airfield, switching from IFR to VFR, is not allowed. Worse, the threat level can change without warning – you depart from, say, Hamburg, flying to Essen Mühlheim and you’re only 10 minutes out when the police decide the threat level is now stage 3, that’s it, you’ve bust that ED-R.

What certain pilots organisations have said is: why are you restricting German pilots when they all need a ZÜP, ie, need to show that they are suitable security cleared individuals? It makes a mockery of having pilots cleared to be responsible citizens and then at the first sight of issues, hammer them like this…..

edited to add this link to an article about the potential restrictions.

The reason for the restrictions is because both Israel and Ukraine are playing and these games are considered to be likely scenes for terrorist activities. One group has told the Regierungspräsident that if their airfield is closed due to a security risk from a private function, then they will firstly ignore the NOTAM as all German pilots are ZÜP checked; additionally, they will demand compensation because the police have indicated that if Stage 3 is put into effect, they will be going to airfields to ensure they are closed…..

Last Edited by Steve6443 at 19 May 15:26
EDL*, Germany

What glue do they use?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Steve6443 wrote:

If stage 3 is put in place, say, in Düsseldorf, you can see the impact below – this is a circle of 50km radius when 30NM is actually 55km.

I’ve been invited to one of the games in Dortmund and was hoping to fly there in my RV, but now it looks like I’ll be going commercial.

Fly more.
LSGY, Switzerland
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