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Last Generation in Munich

It is the hypocrisy of environmental activism.

Obviously “proper terrorists” will use anything that does the job.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Using prominent symbols of the regime you think is ineffective in meeting your needs to organize destructive efforts against it, and doing so they because they are the most effective tools available, certainly demonstrates your lack of insight.

The root cause here is these kids, and dumb overgrown kids, having been simultaneously spoked and over regulated by those who wanted to protect them, but who in reality destroyed them.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 20 May 19:45

Peter wrote:


Regarding that…
What is the difference between the big airport with fence and small airport with no fence at all?
In case of small you have few nice examples:
1) wild asparagus pickers running in front of GA plane on take off late afternoon in direct low sun, take off aborted by radio warning on time, pure luck…
2) the drone with lidar doing the work without NOTAM or basic knowledge of the drone pilot about the airspace behavior, with the UL plane on approach
3) group of three autogiros taking/parking on the runway on wind direction side during the state medical vertical operation…
And than you have the person claiming “just land” – who cares about PPR

Is that less or more harmless than some glued bottoms on tarmac?!


Straw man

There will never be “proper security” at an airport, if there is just a fence. You can cut through a fence is about a minute with a simple tool like this

and in a civilised country the police are limited in what they can do. They can’t shoot you, for example. Well, they aren’t supposed to, but I wouldn’t risk it… mistakes are possible. And protesters are “political” and political dissent is supposed to be allowed or even encouraged.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Most, if not all CAP airfields in France have a fence around them now.
This has nothing to do with urban terrorists or whatever you want to call them. It stems AFAIK from a bull wandering onto the runway/ airfield at Propriano. For one reason or another ( politics) the farmer could not be held responsible for keeping.his bull on his land so Propriano had to be fenced and was closed until it was. This led to the law change that applied to all CAP airfields at great cost, as you can imagine, to all airfield owners.
The entry gates have locks but AFAIK on most fields, no keys, so they remain open.
But at least you won’t bump into a bull while taxiing. Maybe the odd badger or 2 or a hare🙂


You could achieve that with a dirt cheap electric fence. It just needs to be properly built and powered. It works on all livestock.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

You could achieve that with a dirt cheap electric fence. It just needs to be properly built and powered. It works on all livestock.

LOL, yea, but you’d get a lot of flack from onlookers whose kids walk into those things and get zapped. I know some farmers who had to put a fence around the electric fence to keep the kids away.

Peter wrote:

in a civilised country the police are limited in what they can do.

They can and will arrest you or at the very minimum pick you up and throw you out of the premises.

That this is not done in Germany is a disgrace. Sometimes I wonder if there are sympathizers involved. I also wonder why they close down whole airports while 2 muppets are glued to a taxiway, one should think it’s possible to guide the planes around them while they are removed?

LeSving wrote:

There’s no good reason to build airports like Alcatraz, and these glue-muppets is certainly no such reason.

Nowadays it is them who are the reason, as thankfully the more radical terrorists have mostly either retired or been retired or eradicated. But you still can’t be sure that there are no attacks or acts of sabotage. Actually, those muppets today ARE a much more valid motivation to protect the property and safety of the airplanes there. But I still can recall times when airplanes were shot at with machine guns and similar stuff. And we have to face it, it is not only the last generation muppets who are opposed to airports and airplanes, these start from local residents up to other reasons why arson and sabotage still are a big problem in many places.

There are places today where you can’t park your car without running the risk that some green muppet will cut your tires because your SUV is evil. The readiness for violence has massively increased and this won’t stop, on both sides. It is only a question of time until some drivers will remove such people forcibly from wherever they are glued or even go further and remove them from the gene pool by driving into or over them.

That is also why quite a few green politicians have reckognized by now what damage those guys do to their motives and chances of re-election. Stuff like this is driving otherwise reasonable people into the arms of right wing populism. And THAT is a real danger.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Mooney_Driver wrote:

LOL, yea, but you’d get a lot of flack from onlookers whose kids walk into those things and get zapped. I know some farmers who had to put a fence around the electric fence to keep the kids away.

I know a farmer’s son, he told me that actually they put the electric fence around another fence to keep the livestock from getting zapped too repeatedly, because they don’t learn.


Few days ago I wandered around deserted parts of island of Vis that were terraced fields a 100 years ago. Totally overgrown by bush but still properly fenced with rusted barb and razor wire.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Emir wrote:

Totally overgrown by bush but still properly fenced with rusted barb and razor wire.

Don’t know if it is the law in Vis as well but in some places, if you don’t fence in your property, it can be lost to you after someone starts using it and you don’t do anything against it for a given period or 5 years or so… so maybe fencing in simply assures property rights.

lionel wrote:

I know a farmer’s son, he told me that actually they put the electric fence around another fence to keep the livestock from getting zapped too repeatedly, because they don’t learn.

I once considered doing the same with my garden fence when some kids would constantly walk in but was told in no unclear terms that a) this was totally illegal and b) I would get sued out of my house if any kid ever got zapped on my fence. Hence also farmers these days are quite reluctant to use those.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland
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