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Why manufacturers, installers and maintenance shops dislike forums?

@LeSving with respect you quite evidently know very little about the LCP issue. Every prediction you made about how the issue would play out turned out to be wrong, and I lost count of the number of times I corrected you on simple and uncontentious facts. Whether anyone agrees with you I cannot say but it’s probably a bit more than a ripple – right now the future of the company is in the balance. The latest documents filed with the court show that their December cash inflow was about 60% of the number that their recovery plan predicted for that period. That can’t carry on for long before it collapses into Chapter 7.

Whether the LCP issue is a ‘small nuisance’ or something much more serious depends on the individual builder and the individual situation that it’s presented them with. For some it’s a case of re-ordering a handful of parts. For others it may write off several years of work and several 10s of AMUs. And any situation in between those extremes that you can think of. The fact that you generalise like this shows how little you know of the nuance.

Van’s could perhaps have ridden out the QB primer issue, but the LCP issue on top killed them and they made a number of elementary business mistakes, both in creating these issues for themselves and in how they handled them. A $50m company cannot make 2x $5-10m mistakes in the space of a couple of years and expect to brush it off unless they have a big cash pile.

Forums are a reality of the modern world. Business owners can complain about how unfair it is for their customers to be able to communicate with each other (it’s certainly killed that reliable old rebuff “no-one else has reported this issue”) or they can knuckle down to running a well-run business providing good products and value for money to their customers. If you do that, PR tends to take care of itself and so does the bottom line.

Where the VAF/LCP situation was interesting was how the heavy moderation might have caused Van’s leadership to mis-read the mood among their customers. Prior to the Chapter 11 filing the moderation was very heavy, bordering on censorship. Posters simply weren’t allowed to say anything even slightly critical of the company, and even relating challenging individual experiences was difficult without getting donked. So those who might have read the forum to take the pulse of the customer base only saw the “keep the faith” and “I trust Van’s 100%” -type posts and might have thought that represented the mood. For a couple of weeks after the filing the moderation relaxed markedly and there was some quite robust criticism allowed to stand. Just before Christmas it reverted to the earlier strict policy. Why, I have no idea.

It is true of course that Van’s management does/did post information there. In reality, it equates to public announcements hitting VAF about 3 minutes before they hit the Van’s website and you don’t learn anything new. They also give the odd personalised answer to some obscure random individual-circumstance question that the poster could have phoned/emailed the company for. It’s also true that if the site owner didn’t ban criticism of the company, the company probably wouldn’t post there. That’s not a new thing – the main UK GA site moderates any criticism of the CAA, NATS and ATC that escalates above the ‘grumpy old men in a pub’ level – why? Because the site owner has a degree of engagement with these various bodies that he considers important to his business, and he needs to keep them sweet.

Last Edited by Graham at 03 Jan 15:24


What it means is that by simply engaging (as a company) with someone trolling, it adds perceived veracity to the exchange. This is problematic and doesn’t occur if such exchange is only among “normal users” not part of a company.

always learning
LO__, Austria

In my humble opinion (simply my point of view), we can see an example if this in the (in)famous LCP thread. People are understandably upset. But from being upset to accuse Vans for all sorts of stuff (no leadership, piss poor engineers, letting the customers take ALL the burden and so on), is a long stretch of what has really been going on.

The fact is (and most people agree with me) is that the LCP issue is hardly a ripple in the homebuilt aircraft pond, and at most a small nuisance for the affected customers. It’s nothing more than that in the grand scheme of things, and anybody making it catastrophe have no clue what they are talking about. Vans is a small business that more or less literally got the entire wrath of all the odd evilness the Corona situation had to offer. They simply couldn’t manage it, they got overwhelmed and almost died due to it.

This sort of things happens all the time (at some scale). What forums tend to do, is to blow them out of proportions and additionally view everything from one side.

At VAF they did handle it. I have nothing particularly good (or bad) to say about VAF admins, but this time they did indeed manage to see the bigger picture even though it was completely obscured in the beginning. And Vans posted good information there because of it.

Simply a result of dependence of income from advertising? Perhaps. But rather that than more LCP threads like the one we have had here IMO.

The elephant is the circulation

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

The line

Any forum user can troll you very effective within 5 Minutes

was posted by someone who got banned for posting really bad personal attacks, so this is the pot calling the kettle black.

I actually don’t understand the meaning of that line. Did he mean that somebody on a forum can post a negative comment about your business? If so, then surely you are better to respond to it (in detail, as required) than to pretend it is invisible. And, informative participation on a forum generates more business

Nowadays, there is Trustpilot which is widely used for this. But TP will remove negative stuff if the target doesn’t like it; they ask the poster for evidence (I’ve had this a number of times from TP but I always had the details; I don’t have the time to post false garbage on TP or anywhere else).

A business which engages in a gratutious revenue generating practice needs to defend that practice, not complain that somebody exposed it in a forum And if they can’t defend it, they should not be doing it.

This is not unique to aviation; it runs across every B2C (business to consumer) sector.

The word Troll has a different meaning.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Any forum user can troll you very effective within 5 Minutes and it takes you hours and days to rectify. IF people will believe you.

This. Mud-slinging is exhausting, and something may stick even if completely unwarranted.

always learning
LO__, Austria

I may have posted this one before – a UK shop, after mentioning a EuroGA thread on the dubious practice of applying stickers to backs of instruments

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

It is almost universally good advice to never mention anything posted in a pilot forum to a maintenance company.

Even a totally polite mention can result in this which wipes that company off the map for you and probably others. I am not sure why this “personality type” is so prevalent but I have noticed that most of them come from the same ex military background.

However, it is also the case that a mention of any regulation (which conflicts with what the shop has told you) is likely to result in you being shown the door. This is equally the case in flight training and a discussion of what previous experience is acceptable, required, etc.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

A moderated forum such as EuroGA is however very different to the usual GA forums where there is more or less total anarchy and only obviously legally dodgy stuff gets removed.

Meetings and workshops are indeed effective events because you get a receptive audience. However you still need to find a way to get people to turn up at the meetings or workshops…

And you need to allocate competent people to do the presentation – because the audience might be asking some pretty direct questions, right there in the room. Those people are usually not around in Europe. The big avionics names have them in the US, obviously. Here in Europe, they cannot even bring smart people to Aero Friedrichshafen, in most cases… and that is by far the biggest event going.

EuroGA has been contacted by avionics manufacturers in the past regarding doing a presentation at some of our fly-ins, but I never wanted to turn a fly-in into some commercial event, and in any case the contact never got back in touch with details of what they proposed.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

You can read, but don’t you ever write.
Reasons: the discussion culture of the internet, and those of fora, the typical forum audience, the fact that opinions very often replace knowledge and experience, and the oftentimes total lack of manners by those who feel entitled to express their anger and frustration, at the cost of others.
Some moderated fora such as this one manage some of these issues, like this forum, but not all. In the end, as a manufacturer, I’ll be better off to employ good sales personnel with a well organized client feedback process, along with dedicated industry meetings, and workshops.

Safe landings !
EDLN, Germany
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