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How to park a Cessna

slowflyer wrote:

I guess large part of the energy was also absorbed by the right wing touching the ground. In my days of training to fly gliders I studied a book by Helmut Reichmann called “Segelfliegen”, that also contained recommendations for landing gliders off site. In the section for landing in terrain not suitable for a normal landing it simply said “slip into ground, breaking wing will absorb crash energy”, not sure if this works with composite but can imagine that wood or sheet metal might be worth a try.

I think you’ve really hit the nail on the head here. There was a Jodel accident recently in the circuit of my airfield (due apparently to windshear in the influence of a thunderstorm) and, while it is heresay, what I have heard is that the 2 occupants escaped with minor injuries because the aircraft did exactly what you describe …. slipped into the ground and the wing absorbed the crash energy. It’s a shame that there isn’t a realistic way to practice this as a “crash landing” technique

LSZK, Switzerland
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