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Wait for the next generation of iPad Mini?

I have a mini 5 and am happy with it. It was bought just to run FF, plus (with a SIM card) it forms a mobile data backup and with VOIP a backup phone.

Well, it is guaranteed to shut down in sunlight. We did this before here and elsewhere. It needs a fan cooled mount, as I suspect all fairly high-perf tablets do.

The mini 4 is now quite old.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Silvaire wrote:

I use two iPad Mini 5s

Got a link for that model?

I have an iPad Mini 5 and a Mini 6. Both work equally great. Stick with the Mini 5, it is better value.
I have had all previous models as well, but they don’t run FF efficiently.

Last Edited by Dimme at 16 Nov 00:23

Dimme wrote:

Got a link for that model?

I think he means the plural. AFAIK there is no such a thing as a 5s.

Yes, I meant plural.

Thanks guys. As no one speaks out to wait for the next generation (quite the opposite), I’m going to get the 6 at Black Friday.

Berlin, Germany

Peter wrote:

Well, it is guaranteed to shut down in sunlight. We did this before here and elsewhere. It needs a fan cooled mount, as I suspect all fairly high-perf tablets do.

UPDATED: I must have mixed up iPad Mini version 7 with version 6. I have 6th generation. Sorry.

Many Euroga members report overheating issues while using iPad/Samsung devices in-flight. I believe most, if not all, are related to DIRECT sunlight exposure. There are cooling fan type devices available, I´m not sure how efficient/useful these are.

My details:
iPad Mini (Edition 6) GPS/5G setup: NO cooling fan installation, USB charging in-flight, NO direct sunlight exposure, BT+5G active.
External installation: See below photo. (Simple Cockpit layout with shaded iPad Mini installation)
External conditions: 1. Low level 1-2H flight times in Portugal summer time (30+C). 2. Cruise flying Spain summer time (FL65-75 OAT 20+C).
Application running (active or in the background): SkyDemon (5G) ACTIVE. Background: FlySafe checklist, Email client, and other Apple iPad apps.
I have never experienced overheating related failures (50H flight time only!).

I believe the single source of overheating of these devices are down to direct sunlight exposure.

Last Edited by Yeager at 16 Nov 07:02
Socata Rallye MS.893E

I find it difficult to use the small screen of Ipad mini for flight planning, or another words a mobile phone is just as difficult to use for the task as an iPad mini therefore in my opinion, the little ipad adds little value.
Standard size iPad is a good compromise but 13’ pro would be my choice


I’ve had overheating with my original (long ago) full-size iPad 4, and with my former Pad Mini 4. It’s seriously annoying. I always carry printed approach plates for the places I know I’m going to, but even so.

When I bought the Mini 6 I also bought the fan-cooled case from MyGoFlight. It was expensive, by the time I paid shipping and French VAT, but it seems to do the job. However I since realised that the air-vent on the TB20 is in exactly the right place to blast a stream of outside air over the iPad in flight, so I could probably have saved the money.

If you do get the MyGoFlight case, there are a couple of problems with it. There’s not enough clearance around the on/off button for the fingerprint ID to work – fixed with a Dremel. And if you strap it to your knee (as I do), the fan outlet is pressed against your trousers. Fixed with a piece of plastic glued to the case as a standoff. But when you pay $300 or so for the case, it would be nice if you didn’t have to do this.

LFMD, France

RV14 – with that lot, all you need is a Starlink sub and you could watch Netflix on one, Sky News on the other, dodgy videos on the 3rd, and still have SV on the LH one

But, seriously, you can’t see half the panel now…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I must admit I wondered if he ever looked outside. I don’t think I could handle all that lot. On the Super Guépard its the total opposite, I don’t even have an AI or DI I am thinking of buying a tablet and then I can relegate the old smartphone to my pocket as back up.
No offense to anyone but to me, much of this thread is rocket science but still very informative.

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