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i looked it up. In the New Engineering Dictionary of English, it says:

Irony n., a situation where the device that shuts down the engine on deployment of a parachute accidentally shuts down the engine, making the deployment of said parachute necessary.

Last Edited by Cobalt at 01 Feb 22:19
Biggin Hill

Irony travels poorly over the internet – unless it is really well executed

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I am not sure if your post was sarcastic or not, can we have more emoticons, please? We have (smile) and (wink), . We need more specific ones, perhaps with a hover text that links to wiktionary.

Biggin Hill

No sarcasm; it was just a straight comment that your post was a well executed bit of irony

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

@mancival can you post more detailed pictures?

United Kingdom

Seat heat, nice. Is the red guarded switch for go around? What does it do?

always learning
LO__, Austria

Ibra wrote:

In gliding, mid air collisions or structural failures are the elephant in the room, some wear parachutes for that

It’s the same with aerobatics (structural failures, not mid air ) Parachutes have saved many a glider and aerobatic pilot, but compared with BRS it is very slow and is a big and complicated procedure that has to be remembered automatically. It’s not always easy or possible to get out in time and pull the chute. Just a couple of years ago a young man perished here. He was (eventually) found few meters from the glider, his parachute deployed, but a couple of seconds too late. A BRS would most probably have saved him. A BRS is much faster and easier to launch, both practically and psychologically. It also offers one additional plus. When you hit the ground you are strapped inside the plane. The plane will take most of the hits, it will protect you.

The elephant is the circulation

Snoopy 02-Feb-19 21:30 56
Seat heat, nice. Is the red guarded switch for go around? What does it do?Is the red guarded switch for go around? What does it do?

Is just a TO/GA (take-off/go-around) button like in any Cirrus produced after 2008. I only use it for Go Around in marginal-VMC AP-coupled approaches (never used for take off). Like in a Cirrus, you pushes it when you don’t see the runway below the minima and it: 1) straightens the wings + 2) pitches up 5 degrees + 3) unsuspends the GPS flightplan (and switches back the HSI source from ILS to GPS if you are doing an ILS). All you need to do is manage power and flaps, which helps in a stressful situation like a real IMC GoAround. Since it makes quite a few automated actions, I preferred to put a guard on it to avoid accidental pressing in other phases of flight.

United Kingdom


always learning
LO__, Austria

“The plane will take most of the hits, it will protect you.”

If BRS preserve aircraft structural integrity then I agree it still worth a try even with low sucess rates, this is completly different from pulling an ejection seat or self ejection/bailout that involve more failure points and literally leaves you to your own…

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom
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