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North Weald (EGSX) to Propriano (LFKO) via Rouen/Toussus/Cannes Oct26-Nov1

Naaaaice! Well done! I second the thoughts on the family! it is so important that GA is not restricted to a matter of old farts bragging about our last experiences!

It reminds me of the good old times when wifie and myself used to travel around in our CardinalRG with our single baby…

We nowadays travel much heavier with our family of five, teenager included! This was a couple months ago not far from where you were…

The lack of avgas (despite checking on the phone the previous day, and forcing an impromptu trip to Figari to refuel), the prohibition to get close to the LFKO runway on foot (meaning a much more dangerous 3km-long family roadside walk to the beach) and a few other lesser items made the LFKO experience less enjoyable than it should have been …overall a comparatively small negative to a great overall place.

Last Edited by Antonio at 12 Nov 16:22
LESB, Spain

Antonio wrote:

We nowadays travel much heavier with our family of five, teenager included!

The more is the merrier ("plus on est de fous plus on rit ")

Shame for the hassle in your case but it looks fair weather & scenery in your nice pictures, also I may saw the same TP in the background when I visited, maybe someone based there…

PS: I noticed the red chair under the wing, I was not sure if it was for serving fuel or waiting to get served fuel ? I think you clarified that bit latter

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Red chair…yes, I noticed no ladder around and thought the red chair better than my little portable to reach onto the wing for (not) refuelling. It was a bit of a bummer since I had defuelled 10 USG just prior to flight in the freshly confirmed __knowledge__that there was avgas al LFKO ( I tend to keep a couple jerry cans in the hangar for occasions when I need just a bit more fuel or the fuel man is not available, so I refill them from the airplane when I have excess) and had I known, leaving those 10 USG onboard would have been enough for me to fly back home unrefuelled.

And yes, not everyone around likes to see people walking the path next to the runway, so maybe next time we’ll walk westwards from behind the hangars rather than in front…the path behind the hangars eventually leads westwards to the runway then the beach but is a bit less conspicuous

We ended up having a nice stay at Lecci e Murta on the south side of the same beach, easy walking from the airfield along the beach (if you are allowed to get there by the runway sidewalk) . Late august was difficult for hotels in the area. We later took a lift into town for a rental car which came quite handy.

@Ibra, any tips on your stay? Did you end up camping? And bravo for keeping the family adaptation to GA trips nice and progressive!

LESB, Spain

No camping in Corsica, sadly, but it was our backup plan if all went upside down, we took an R’BnB nearby the first day in Propriano but I cancelled our stay for the following 3 days as France announced it’s lockdown from Friday, then we stayed until Sunday in Cannes in Campanile Hotel just near LFMD, not the best but it was practical given the situation as the aircraft was within 1km restriction

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

You can always camp somewhere, so long as you set it up out of general view, or set up in the evening and pack up in the morning

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Sorry, I mean “I did not have the chance to camp in Corsica”, I don’t think anyone would police “NO camping” (or “lockdown rules” down there for one month stay, well assuming you have a tent and few days of food & water and you don’t have to go though X-rays O/R )

Last Edited by Ibra at 13 Nov 10:57
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Ibra wrote:

No camping in Corsica

No camping? Take a look here:

Berlin, Germany

highflyer wrote:

Take a look here:

Nice, I loved those pictures and that report, the walk around seemed very enjoyable and lot of out-of the box thinking: “famping under the wing” and “air mattress boat”, was that your raft ?

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom
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