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Blocking/Suppressing Users

Is there a way to suppress posts from certain users? I don’t find such a in my prefs. If not – please take this as a feature request.


There isn’t presently.

It’s not an idea that anybody else is asking for at the moment, so I doubt it will make it to the top of the todo list any time soon I’m afraid.

Who do you want to block? And more importantly, why?

EGTR / London, United Kingdom

Well, that’s a common function of forums to filter out post from power posters I’m not interested in.


You don’t like what I write? ;-)

If you add this feature, please add a count on my profile to show how many people have blocked me.

The aim would then be to maximise that number ;-)


Well, that’s a common function of forums to filter out post from power posters I’m not interested in.

Other forums have lots of “common functions”, like ads, malware, spam, trolls, etc

I was interested what it was about the postings on EuroGA you’d be interested in blocking.

EGTR / London, United Kingdom

Why do you think I meant you, Alexis? ;) It’s just the amount of posts I want to reduce. There are lots of off topic posts (just look at the last Mooney thread) and it takes a while until this is split off (e. g. FD) so a filter function would be very convenient.

Last Edited by Muelli at 25 Jan 14:23

That Mooney thread was pretty unusual. I don’t think blocking other posters in the spirit of this particular forum. Blocking posters can lead to confusing conversations. Posts on EuroGA in general are on topic, lengthy, considered and not inflammatory. As such I think it’s pretty unlikely to happen.

EGTR / London, United Kingdom

Ok, David. Seems your impression differ from mine. I prefer to listen to my users and not to teach them.

I miss the delete account button too so may I ask you to delete my account? Thank you.


I was only joking, Muelli!

But I would accept it too if someone said he doesn’t want to read what I write ;-)

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