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AIR BP fuel card

I have completed application two times. No response from air bp (( Do they have any specific criteria for customers? Is there any other convinient way to get the card?

Last Edited by pshz at 15 Apr 10:25


Spending too long online
EGTF Fairoaks, EGLL Heathrow, United Kingdom

I always try using mine, just in case I might need it one day, but almost nobody takes it anymore. I was able to use it at AERO (EDNY) – for the first time in years.

I think it’s era has passed. It was good in the bad old days when airports didn’t take credit cards, or took Mastercard but not Visa, etc. And I am sure it’s a good way to handle company expensed fuel. It was also good in Spain, when you waved an AIR BP card (with a company name on it) in front of the pump man and shouted “commercial” 3 times and you got VAT and duty free fuel, but that doesn’t work anymore (you need to wave an AOC in front of him now).

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

… but almost nobody takes it anymore.

This is not my experience! We use it a lot (unless there is a cheaper option) and it gets widely accepted. At least at the airfields we visit in Europe with hard runways of 1200m or longer. But maybe there are different ones? We have silver colored ones called “BP Sterling Card”.

EDDS - Stuttgart

I’m trying to achieve it this year only because there were many airports on my way with BP option only before.And the only way to refuel is to wait for someone from airport staff. Once in small airport they served flight to Antalya: I had to wait for one hour ((

Last Edited by pshz at 15 Apr 13:15

BP fuel prices can in some instances be lower with a Sterling Card than by credit card or cash.
They usually want a bank guarantee

Darley Moor, Gamston (UK)

I use AirBP and UVAir. AirBP very well accepted in France and Germany.

EGTK Oxford

BP card well accepted in my home country Spain and where I travel mostly, mainland Europe.
I changed to BP from Shell. They threw me out because I bought way too little Avtur.. They must have thought something like “this guy wants to be a jet jockey but clearly doesn’t have the money to actually fly it” :)

Admin also works quite well with BP I must say. Good on-line invoicing system.

Son Alberti LEJF, Son Bonet LESB, Mallorca, Spain

BP card well accepted in my home country Spain …

In Spain we mostly use the Petrofer card, which is substantially cheaper than BP there.

EDDS - Stuttgart

Peter wrote:

Would this result in a procedure which can be used to get reasonably close to the value of a fill-up you have just done?

Yes, with the website pricing.

EGTK Oxford
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