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Where can I find advice in English on VFR radio procedures for France?

If I have the right one, it is LFQV, and from Navbox I see that it is PNR for customs and PNR for avgas:

In your TB20, Croatia is easy

An online French VFR chart is here The route to it from the SE UK seems very easy – little in the way of stuff in the way.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

from Navbox I see that it is PNR for customs and PNR for avgas

…and from visiting in person, I found it the dreariest possible place at the utter end of civilisation. Nice scenery around, though, wooded hills especially northwards.

OTOH the aerodrome seems to be under pressure, like so many, so it can well do with a bit of activity to illustrate its value and interest.

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

How about a fly-in? Or maybe not if it is in the middle of nowhere

The avgas being “on request” is pretty unusual. I wonder how old that fuel is?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Come on Peter, only 1500m of runway. And no ILS, though I have a vague memory there used to be one.
Not my kind of place either, the 250m grass runway is reserved for local microlights.

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

yes, LFQV. I think when I last looked at the planned flight from EGTB I didn’t think I’d need to refuel in France, event though it is always nice to take off with full tanks. I’ll check again of course.

I’ll make sure that I give them notice for Customs. Where did you get that screen print from Peter?

Flying a TB20 out of EGTR
Elstree (EGTR), United Kingdom

Customs O/R 24 H according to the VAC

Fuel available PNR to the Aeroclub still according to the VAC.


Howard, not a real answer to your question but here’s how to easily get the official info:

-) surf to (or lf__ whatever )
-) click “cartes”
-) just below the google satelitte image, click “Cliquez ici pour télécharger la carte VAC”
-) take hardcopy of these with you, they’ll make an impression if ever you get into an argument with the chaps from the blue van

Regarding fuel: the same official document states

10 – AVT : Carburant / Fuel : 100LL.
Préavis auprès de l’ACB Les Ailes Ardennaises. Paiement comptant ou carte de crédit.
PN ACB Les Ailes Ardennaises. Cash payment or credit card.

which seems to indicate AVGAS is offered by the aeroclub but they can’t promise to have staff available at all times – sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium
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