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Direct conversion of electricity into thrust

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Can that be overhauled in a back yard?

Like many direct energy conversion concepts its designed for operation in the vacuum of space, where lubrication and wear are major issues for machinery. Efficiency is typically low.

6000 lbs of lift generated by (the equivalent of) 1,4 HP? I heavily suspect there are different units at work.

More generally: if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. In other words: scepticism on this side – but it would be nice to see it come true.

Last Edited by at 07 Aug 20:42
EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

It’s easy to generate 6000lbs of lift using 1.4HP. You just end up with a vertical speed which is not too great

I have forgotten the formula for working this out but my gut feeling (a winch pulling up 2700kg and driven by a 1.4HP motor) would be of the order of 50fpm.

It is still really amazing that this can work.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Not far off IMHO, though it’s a bit late at night to be doing these calculations accurately :-)

6000 lbs wt = 6000 / 2.2lbs/kg * 9.81m/s^2 = 26.8kN

Power = Force x speed
speed = Power / Force

speed = 1kW / 26.8kN = 0.039m/s = 0.129 ft/s = 7.7 ft/min

White Waltham EGLM, United Kingdom

I am pleased that I was within an order of magnitude – even if only “just”

So to get 1000fpm on a 2.2T aircraft one would need 180HP.

Gosh, funny that, that is really rather similar to what you get with an engine!

No free lunch in physics.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

All I can see are Blogs linking to other Blogs. Nobody links to the page where “NASA” actually reports any of the claimed test results. According to Wikipedia, there are no such results:
Real experiment in NASA laboratories conducted recently yielded something like 50micro Newtons of thrust from 50W of electrical power in a vacuum chamber.

EDDS - Stuttgart

It is still really amazing that this can work.

I too would love for it to be true, but everything I’ve read suggests it’s still a little speculative.

The problem is of course that photons (or electromagnetic waves) have no mass. They are pure energy and cannot possible move an object (with mass) by hitting it or radiating from it. For this thing to work, it has to send something out which is not a photon either by creating something or using some third substance. When no one has actually measured any thrust that cannot be described to secondary effects (thermal, magnetic or whatever), and no one has come up with a theory for why it should work in the first place then this leaves little hopes.

The elephant is the circulation
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