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To be fair on the ‘mainstream media’ the fact that Trump disputes the result and has not conceded has been widely published, and they have published the transcript of his rant in full. And they have also widely circulated Giuliani saying that the courts decide on the outcome of elections rather than the media – which is something with which I completely agree.

In none of Trumps’ rants is there anything more than a bit of handwaving about the purported electoral frauds that must have caused him to lose. If he has any specific information he’d better make his case to quickly. In the meanwhile it’s not unreasonable to conclude that he’s lost.

Politiicans of all strips lie and cheat, but it seems that in recent times, we have stopped expecting them even to pretend to be truthful. If we don’t hold them accountable then we will get the politiicians we deserve.

I wonder how the President increased his support so markedly among black and latino voters. Was it in spite of his supposed “racism”, or because of it?

As for thousands dying prematurely because of President Trump’s decisions, I’m not sure that there’s a direct causal relationship – unlike Biden and his party’s support for terrorists in Europe. Their financial and political support for the IRA did cause the early death of a friend of mine who they blew up in a London park.

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

Those who want a challenge can start on the difficult questions as outlined e.g. here.

A good article. I agree with most of the points the author makes. I still think that Trump is an inacceptable figure for public office. Not because he isn’t “woke” enough (a concept I despise myself), but simple because of behaviour that would have been regarded as indecent long before the term “woke” was even a thing. And, perhaps more importantly, his policies harm those who voted for him much more than they realise.

The author does not directly make this point, but indirectly insinuates that through abandoning “class” issues and making “identity” a key part of their ideology, the “new left” has abandoned its classic voter base, which now votes for populist like Trump out of a lack of alternatives. That is certainly correct and also observable in Europe, see Boris Johnson for example.

To get these “populist” voters back into the fold of “mainstream” politics, mainstream political parties and journalists need to take the – mainly economically motivated – concerns of these people seriously again.

Last Edited by MedEwok at 08 Nov 12:13
Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

BeechBaby wrote:

Mr Trump is still President and it is the MSM that called for Biden. It may not be all over despite some cretins in British politics congratulating Biden.

Yes. It is not over, not by a far margin. Tomorrow, the Trump team will pull all the stops to challenge results they deem unfair. This may well lead to some states not being able to deliver a final result by the deadline, which may well cause this supposed victory to crumble.

I find it totally irresponsible that the media are pronouncing the winner before all counts, recounts and legal challenges are exhausted. Who do they think they are? Media are supposed to report news, they are NOT official organs who proclaim winners or loosers of elections. So in this regard, Trump is right. This election is not over yet, nor is there an officially sanctioned winner.

I suppose one thing which has to change in US election proceedures is that in future elections NOBODY reports ANY results whatsoever before the complete count is complete in ALL states, then forwarded to the federal election comission who then announces the official results.

Clearly, a lot of what is happening is wishful thinking on behalf of about half the Americans and just about everyone else. Yet, as we have seen in previous discussions, most non-Americans are blissfully ignorant about the inner workings of the US and what is really important to the average citizen. Otherwise, why is it totally inconceivable to most people that Trump has gotten as close to re-election? There are a lot of people now, 70 odd million to be exact, who once more believe they are left behind by the “system” who has deplaced someone whom they close enough regarded as a messias of anti-establishment movements. Those 70 million will not simply sit back and wait what Biden will do, they will support Trump until the fat lady in form of SCOTUS most probably decides the race, and should he really be out of the WH immediately start to plot for 2024. Names I’ve seen on facebook include Ted Cruz or, you may guess it, Donald Trump. He is egligible for a 2nd term after all.

No, it’s not over. Not by a long run. Even if the next president of the United states ends up being Nancy Pelosi…

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Mooney_Driver wrote:

This may well lead to some states not being able to deliver a final result by the deadline, which may well cause this supposed victory to crumble.

How come? If the counting is stopped now, Biden would clearly win.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Airborne_Again wrote:

How come? If the counting is stopped now, Biden would clearly win.

Yes, and I am quite positive that this will happen too. However, that does not mean the process is over. Unless Trump gives up and openly declares he is pulling out by concession:

- Several states are not even called for, let alone the count ended.
- The Trump team will challenge each state with close results, which means, they have to recount. The result of those states will not be official before the end of the legal challenges.
- The deadline is December 8. Until then, all states will have to have reported their official end results. If the Trump team’s legal challenges prevent that or if the recounts in some close states changes the outcome, things will become interesting. States who can not deliver their results may have to determine their EC votes by their governor or congress, which is totally open to change.
- Biden won’t be President Elect until after the Electoral College has cast their vote. Only then is it appropriate to call him thus.

Therefore I personally think the announcements by the media is a) inappropriate because they are NOT the legal authority to call a race and b) premature. They are also not doing any favour to Biden this way.

Last Edited by Mooney_Driver at 08 Nov 13:41
LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

When trump was elected, it was because of FB, russia, you name it….

Most americans think he never condemned supremacists. He did, dozens of times, but no media is interested in telling the public.

Mr Bloomberg went to paying the debts of Florida felons for them to recover their right to vote. Hunter Biden’s stories are deleted from all social media. It appears completely normal to the media…

Soon, the Dems will be the white’s party, and the republican’s the black/latino party. BLM riots are 99,9% whites.

Medewok, a lie repeated hundreds of times doesn’t become a truth. Just read/watch one trump interview/speech from A to Z. Then make your own mind. Or read another one.

God bless America, and Europe.

LFOU, France

Biden accepted that he had won the election some time ago so I wouldn’t blame the media on his behalf. And Trump called the election for himself even more prematurely.

Mooney_Driver wrote:

70 odd million to be exact, who once more believe they are left behind by the “system” who has deplaced someone

And is it not very familiar that the ones that question are ‘’THE PROBLEM’‘. When I questioned the Take The Knee campaign it was deemed ’’How Dare You’’.

Well I sat watching looting in large American cities, total violence against Police, and riots in European cities, non reported by MSM, and as celebrities like Lewis Hamilton took a knee to jump on the Social Media bandwagon. Look another 1 million on my Insta account….Blah Blah.

Trump, whatever anyone thinks about his style, his gravitas, his politics gave these individuals hope. It was a change, in their eyes for the better. The truth hurts. Obama was a disaster for the US. Bush was a disaster, as were New Labour and Bliar for the UK. Boris and crew with their massive voted majority will bend and shape the UK as they see fit.

If it is Biden it is already a lame duck 4 years, just like Obama, and no good to anyone.

Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

@172driver wrote:

Fake news. In some states mail ballots can be counted if the arrive after election day, but must be postmarked on or before election day.

This is what I find so confusing. Is this Fox News report (which clearly quotes a Pennsylvania official as saying the opposite) “fake news”?

“Under the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling that allows the three-day extension, ballots with no postmark or an illegible postmark are presumed to have been postmarked by the Election Day deadline, unless there is evidence the ballot was mailed after the deadline”

It’s hard for some of us in Europe to know – at least for those of us who haven’t already decided that one candidate is an Irish nationalist saint and the other a devil for supporting the independence and integrity of the UK.

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom
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