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Star Trek: Discovery

Two mentions of zombies. What?

strip near EGGW

Two mentions of zombies. What?

The main character is known for her leading role in “The Walking Dead”.

And yes, yesterday’s episode reminded me very much of “Dune”. Only that they use spores instead of spice!

EDDS - Stuttgart

Patrick wrote:

also watched Enterprise and liked it (sometimes seems like I’m the only person on Earth who did that).

No you’re not, my wife likes Enterprise as well. Though it is a shame they basically cancelled it when the story finally got really interesting…

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

One thing I always wondered about was why never anyone in the film industry considered turning Perry Rhodan into a series….
I mean, plenty of stuff, plenty stories, never ending material…

Safe landings !
EDLN, Germany

I have liked the series so far.

EGTK Oxford

Both Discovery and Expanse are good…

I find Silvia Tilly a bit tedious as a character though… I never thought I’d say this but I prefer Neelix :-)

EDHS, Germany

I really enjoyed Enterprise. It’s a pity it was cut short – it was really only just warming up (TNG also took 3 series to really warm up)

Andreas IOM

As an engineer and lapsed PPL it is rare for me to post but this caught my interest!
Nice to hear others enjoyed Enterprise but hated the final episode and it was cut far too short.
Watched Discovery Episode 1 whilst we were in Wichita for maintenance on US TV and hated it, mainly because you got 7 minutes of program followed by 4 minutes of Adverts. Since then have watched the next two without the adverts and after Episode 3 have started to warm to it. I’m keeping an open mind
As others have mentioned The Expanse is worth watching.
I tend not to watch or get interested in US series until they have been out for a few series, far too often they are cancelled before getting into their stride (Enterprise, Firefly, Dresden Files, Dark Matter etc)
The above probably indicates more about me than I would normally wish to admit


It’s just a huge shame that Firefly was cancelled. The one series it ran for was good, it was a nice change from the hoity-toityness off Star Trek, and it had some good humour in it, too. It’s the closest TV ever got to the idea of Elite (computer game).

Andreas IOM

Martin2 wrote:

Watched Discovery Episode 1 whilst we were in Wichita for maintenance on US TV and hated it, mainly because you got 7 minutes of program followed by 4 minutes of Adverts.

That’s really incredible. When on holiday in the States this summer I turned on the TV only once. After 30 minutes I gave up. Absolutely impossible to watch anything, almost as much time for adverts than for the program itself. Why could that come so far? Why don’t people just switch it off and show the stations that this is not what they want to see?

Martin2 wrote:


Guess what my MacBook Pro looks like

EDDS - Stuttgart
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